Suvreen Guggal – Topper Of The Year is an Indian TV drama series that airs on Channel [V] India every Monday to Friday at 6:30 p.m. IST and 8:30 p.m. IST.[1] The show premiered on 19 March 2012This show depicts how Indian colleges are misusing their authority against the interest of students and how the colleges concentrate more on money than the future of millions of students with high aspirations. The show follows Suvreen as she questions the so called 'BLACK' strategies of Indian colleges. While doing so, she falls in love with Yuvraj Singh, the most popular child.uvreen Guggal is a high school graduate who has just managed to bag the title of being a topper in the 12th board exams in her small home town Kathgodam, Uttarakhand. She dreams of enrolling herself in the DPSC in Delhi, a prestigious college that has unfortunately declared that the cut off marks for the present year’s admissions would be higher than previous years. Suvreen, despite being a topper, does not qualify to apply to which she rebels and compels the college management lead by the principal, Savitri Singh to bend and lower the eligibility criteria.
Surveen Guggal - Topper of the year 1st May
Epi begins with Ira checking out facebook and exclaiming happily ‘finally’, RC asks what happened, Ira says two of their friends are getting married, RC goes to Ira asking how does she know, Ira shows him the pics, RC is happy and says he used to think then that as soon as these two would get out of college they would go to the mandap to get married as they were so close to each other, but then he doesn’t know what happened in between
Ira says they were both very good friends and they didn’t want to spoil their friendship falling into a relationship as relationships are complicated and friendship is simpler
RC looks at her and asks how does she know and asks if one of the friends told her, Ira says no and tells him she eavesdropped on them once and heard it all, she then excitedly says its fun to eavesdrop and starts laughing, RC says its cheap, Ira says still its fun
RC then asks was it the same night they went for camp, Ira says yeah and RC remembers something and starts laughing, Ira asks what is it and RC asks her if she remembers some guys pooled her to the pool before going to the bus, Ira exclaims ‘those cheapsters’ and tells him ofcourse she remembers, RC says it wasn’t cheap it was fun
Ira irritated asks what was so funny, RC laughs and says Ira Shaw was coming out of the pool in heels with two bags in hands and that to in angry mode and he bursts out laughing, Ira says does he even know those were her expensive shoes which got spoilt, she says flustered that he(RC) was there to help otherwise she was thinking of beating those guys with her heels
RC asks she is still angry about it, Ira says obviously, she has collected her pocket money with so much difficulty at that time to buy those shoes, RC goes on laughing and then slowly murmurs while drinking from his cup ‘she doesn’t know it was his idea’, Ira asks shocked ‘What’ and starts hitting him with a file, RC says after that everything was normal, they even became friends, Ira still irritated keeps hitting him until her phone starts ringing
Its Jolly who keeps shouting ‘Amour’ and Ira tells him to stop screaming on her ears, Jolly with face pack and all excitedly tells Ira that he has a big news, Ira tells him to first stop calling her ‘big sis’, Jolly says they can discuss the age issue later and right now he needs to tell her the big news, Ira says that will remain with him until and unless he doesn’t tell it to her in 2 sec otherwise she’s cutting the call
Jolly says but it’s a surprise, Ira gets annoyed and tells him to tell her what is it about, but Jolly says he wont tell now after its confirmed tonight he will tell her, Ira says irritated then why did he make this stupid call if he didn’t want to say what the surprise is, she then says the surprise is about her so she should know, Jolly says patience she needs to wait till tomorrow and says bye and keeps the call
Ira looks at her phone stunned and says ‘he’s such a big idiot’, RC murmurs now she knew, Ira gives him the looks, RC looks up and says oops sorry
Mamma G. tells Pappa she wants to meet Suvi and wants to go to Mumbai, Pappa says whats the need, he tells her if Suvi needs anything then she would say herself, Mamma becomes upset, Pappa says she has become wise now she can take her own decisions that’s what she told them right, Mamma starts crying, Pappa goes back to his newspaper
Suvi sitting on the window thinks about what she went through travelling in Mumbai, she suddenly gets an idea and gets her sketch book and pen and starts drawing thinking about her travelling times in Mumbai while going to office
Just then Soni comes and asks what is she doing and tells Suvi that today is a very important day for her as she’s going to meet Jatin and if he likes her then she will become a superstar, Suvi hugs her and says she’s happy for her and will definitely pray for her, Suvi wishes her all the best and Soni leaves
Suvi goes on making the desgins and then packs all her things up once she’s done to go to office, but before leaving she goes back to her desk and writes a note and takes it and puts it at the neighbor’s door
Note: Next time if you come knocking my door then I will break ice on your head!!
Preeti comes to Geeti all hyper telling her she checked all the guides and after that ketchup fell on the post its and after that all the post its got ruined and now… Geeti cuts her off irritated and asks her if she got the karigar’s number, Preeti says ofcourse she got it but that’s what after that all the ketchup fell on it and hands her the post it
Geeti gets back to work and Preeti calls her from behind and says where she stays there are lots of shops and there are lots of karigar and they can work at cheap rate also, but Geeti interfere’s in between and says she wants to work with this karigar only as his work is good
She thanks her but says no thanks she doesn’t need, Geeti then suddenly notices something and shouts ‘NO how can she wear something like that’ Preeti becomes scared and Geeti tells her to take off her bangle, Preeti takes it out mumbling ‘but its lucky’, Geeti takes a bracelet out and puts it in Preeti’s hands
Geeti then explains Preeti that its just not a bracelet, with the help of this in her life there can be positive attraction in her relationships, Preeti is stunned, Alisha is laughing looking at all this, Geeti exclaims it’s a love bracelet , Preeti says really and asks how does she know it will work as till today nothing worked, Geeti says because she already tried it and points towards Udit, Preeti exclaims in excitement really and thanks Geeti and hugs her who goes shocked
Ira is walking here to there in RC’s office, RC asks her where is her brother, she says she doesn’t know, Jolly comes right then checking out himself on his mobile and asking Ira if the colour suits him, she tells him she knows why he is doing all this and pleads him to not make them wait anymore and tell the news before it becomes an old news
Jolly says his news never get old, Ira irritated says fine she doesn’t want to know, he goes to her and then says to guess whom he signed for his project, RC looks at him and Ira asks who, Jolly says ‘Samar Ragwanchi’, Ira screams and hugs Jolly excitedly, RC shocked asks is it the same ace photographer who shoots india’s big campaigns and all
Jolly tells Ira to tell her friend that there is only one single Samar Ragwanchi, with whom Jolly is excited to work with, Ira says RC knows who he is but is just confirming because Samar is very expensive, Jolly corrects her saying he’s damn talented, Ira sighs and he says about the fees he will talk to Samar about it
RC says its great news and shakes hand with Jolly who indicates that to Ira and she smiles, RC says he is expensive, Jolly says yes he is, RC says ‘bas budget ki band na bhaje’, Jolly jokes and tells RC to relax if there is band then they will dance on the bharat
Jolly then tells the two to check on their interns what creative ideas they collected, RC was about to go when Jolly tells him not to and says he will first go and check and then they all three can sit and discuss, RC becomes a bit upset
Udit goes to Alisha to asks about some design and she suggests a color, then Geeti Udit and Alisha discuss about it all as Suvi sees them and goes upstairs, Geeti then gives an idea and asks how about styling the top 12 internationalcelebrities, Udit says wow, Alisha says they can even designing 12 unique accessories, they all start discussing about the concepts, Suvi comes down the stairs
She calls out to Alisha and says she also has some ideas, Alisha makes a face, Suvi takes the papers from her desks and says she cant give the ideas but they can do to Jolly, she then says why is fashion so alien from their normal life and what if they make buses and trains their theme
She says that what is the point to make such clothes which people cant afford, those who can afford do such absurd shopping so what is the point, Jolly comes walking down the stairs slowly, Suvi goes on about buses and auto and talks to Alisha about accessories, Geeti Udit and Alisha sees Jolly
Alisha again with her evil mind tells Suvi that Jolly told her not to give ideas then why is she presenting, Suvi says so what they can present, she then shows Alisha the designs when Jolly comes and snatches a sheet from Suvi, he looks at them
Alisha says to Jolly that she was just telling Suvi that if she isn’t allowed to do something then she shouldn’t do it, Suvi looks at her shocked, Alisha goes on that why should she go against the rules but she said she would still present them
Jolly calls out to Suvi ‘little bug’ and shouts at her that why did she design when he told her not to, he screams at her asking what does she think of herself, does she think she is different form all of them(pointing at the other three)
He reminds her that he told her to see this project from far and assist these people but no she doesn’t want to listen, he shouts at her how dare she thought of giving presentation to him, he goes on that she thinks she is too talented to be here, she doesn’t want to listen to anybody, Geeti and Udit look tensed, Alisha smiles evil as Geeti watches her
Jolly shouts at Suvi to change her attitude and to become part of the project and do what she is asked to do only, Suvi hurt and about to cry agrees and says yes, she looks at Alisha, Jolly tears the designs in front of Suvi and throws them around, Alisha smiles, Geeti is shocked
Suvi clears out her designs crying, she goes to the store room and takes out a book from her file case and writes something
Jolly asks Udit to show what he has got, Udit tells him that ‘bikini calendar’ is a good idea it always works, Udit goes off sighing, Geeti tells Udit why does he need new calendar on his wall as he still has dec 2011′s calendar up there, he tells her that taking Yana Gupta’s poster off the wall will be a sin
Geeti sighs and tells Jolly she has a plan and goes to him, she tells him wouldn’t it be great if they dressed the top 12 celebrities and gives examples as Jolly walks away from her disappointed
He goes to Alisha and asks her, she tells him she was thinking about using Accessories as it will help enhance both the model and outfit, Alisha says she was thinking of making 12 accessories, 6 for men and 6 for women, Jolly exclaims WOW and Alisha becomes happy
He then tells them all if they could think something simple, and tells that to Alisha specifically who makes a face, Jolly leaves from there
Suvi is writing when she sees RC and thinks, she takes her papers which Jolly tore and tapes them up and take sit all to RC
Suvi tells him she wanted to talk to him, RC asks concerned if everything is okay, Suvi says yeah and tells him she thought of a theme for the calendar, RC leaves his work and says to tell what she has got, Suvi then tells him about how fashion is always for celebrities and all and why not they make fashion for common people
RC listens to her as she tells him rich people can go shopping anywhere but how about they make designer wear for common people, RC explains her that all brands are doing that but Iris cant, he tells her that they belong to high fashion category, they cant make garments in bulk for people, they need to design people’s dreams
He tells her what she is saying will be the opposite for their brand, he tells her Iris is class and creativity, Suvi says she knows but what if they combine both creativity and affordability , she says if they make affordable creative clothes for youth then it will be good, she tells him to see the designs once, RC takes them
Ira also sees them and says to Suvi wasn’t she supposed to assist others and asksher what will she take to do what she is asked to do, she asks Suvi why is she so bend to lower Iris’s name, Ira tells Suvi RC is a celebrity designer and her down market idea can be perfect for her tailor in her street but not for here, and tells her to take her designs and go
Suvi says she thinks there is something right in this idea, Ira tells her off that the right thing is to shut up, Suvi nods, Ira tells Suvi that the top photographer will join from tomorrow and he has worked with the best in the world so he wont like any cheap or local thing, and asks her to do what she is asked to and nothing extra
Suvi says ok and looks at RC who looks helplessly at her and leaves.
Ira says they were both very good friends and they didn’t want to spoil their friendship falling into a relationship as relationships are complicated and friendship is simpler
RC looks at her and asks how does she know and asks if one of the friends told her, Ira says no and tells him she eavesdropped on them once and heard it all, she then excitedly says its fun to eavesdrop and starts laughing, RC says its cheap, Ira says still its fun
RC then asks was it the same night they went for camp, Ira says yeah and RC remembers something and starts laughing, Ira asks what is it and RC asks her if she remembers some guys pooled her to the pool before going to the bus, Ira exclaims ‘those cheapsters’ and tells him ofcourse she remembers, RC says it wasn’t cheap it was fun
Ira irritated asks what was so funny, RC laughs and says Ira Shaw was coming out of the pool in heels with two bags in hands and that to in angry mode and he bursts out laughing, Ira says does he even know those were her expensive shoes which got spoilt, she says flustered that he(RC) was there to help otherwise she was thinking of beating those guys with her heels
RC asks she is still angry about it, Ira says obviously, she has collected her pocket money with so much difficulty at that time to buy those shoes, RC goes on laughing and then slowly murmurs while drinking from his cup ‘she doesn’t know it was his idea’, Ira asks shocked ‘What’ and starts hitting him with a file, RC says after that everything was normal, they even became friends, Ira still irritated keeps hitting him until her phone starts ringing
Its Jolly who keeps shouting ‘Amour’ and Ira tells him to stop screaming on her ears, Jolly with face pack and all excitedly tells Ira that he has a big news, Ira tells him to first stop calling her ‘big sis’, Jolly says they can discuss the age issue later and right now he needs to tell her the big news, Ira says that will remain with him until and unless he doesn’t tell it to her in 2 sec otherwise she’s cutting the call
Jolly says but it’s a surprise, Ira gets annoyed and tells him to tell her what is it about, but Jolly says he wont tell now after its confirmed tonight he will tell her, Ira says irritated then why did he make this stupid call if he didn’t want to say what the surprise is, she then says the surprise is about her so she should know, Jolly says patience she needs to wait till tomorrow and says bye and keeps the call
Ira looks at her phone stunned and says ‘he’s such a big idiot’, RC murmurs now she knew, Ira gives him the looks, RC looks up and says oops sorry
Mamma G. tells Pappa she wants to meet Suvi and wants to go to Mumbai, Pappa says whats the need, he tells her if Suvi needs anything then she would say herself, Mamma becomes upset, Pappa says she has become wise now she can take her own decisions that’s what she told them right, Mamma starts crying, Pappa goes back to his newspaper
Suvi sitting on the window thinks about what she went through travelling in Mumbai, she suddenly gets an idea and gets her sketch book and pen and starts drawing thinking about her travelling times in Mumbai while going to office
Just then Soni comes and asks what is she doing and tells Suvi that today is a very important day for her as she’s going to meet Jatin and if he likes her then she will become a superstar, Suvi hugs her and says she’s happy for her and will definitely pray for her, Suvi wishes her all the best and Soni leaves
Suvi goes on making the desgins and then packs all her things up once she’s done to go to office, but before leaving she goes back to her desk and writes a note and takes it and puts it at the neighbor’s door
Note: Next time if you come knocking my door then I will break ice on your head!!
Preeti comes to Geeti all hyper telling her she checked all the guides and after that ketchup fell on the post its and after that all the post its got ruined and now… Geeti cuts her off irritated and asks her if she got the karigar’s number, Preeti says ofcourse she got it but that’s what after that all the ketchup fell on it and hands her the post it
Geeti gets back to work and Preeti calls her from behind and says where she stays there are lots of shops and there are lots of karigar and they can work at cheap rate also, but Geeti interfere’s in between and says she wants to work with this karigar only as his work is good
She thanks her but says no thanks she doesn’t need, Geeti then suddenly notices something and shouts ‘NO how can she wear something like that’ Preeti becomes scared and Geeti tells her to take off her bangle, Preeti takes it out mumbling ‘but its lucky’, Geeti takes a bracelet out and puts it in Preeti’s hands
Geeti then explains Preeti that its just not a bracelet, with the help of this in her life there can be positive attraction in her relationships, Preeti is stunned, Alisha is laughing looking at all this, Geeti exclaims it’s a love bracelet , Preeti says really and asks how does she know it will work as till today nothing worked, Geeti says because she already tried it and points towards Udit, Preeti exclaims in excitement really and thanks Geeti and hugs her who goes shocked
Ira is walking here to there in RC’s office, RC asks her where is her brother, she says she doesn’t know, Jolly comes right then checking out himself on his mobile and asking Ira if the colour suits him, she tells him she knows why he is doing all this and pleads him to not make them wait anymore and tell the news before it becomes an old news
Jolly says his news never get old, Ira irritated says fine she doesn’t want to know, he goes to her and then says to guess whom he signed for his project, RC looks at him and Ira asks who, Jolly says ‘Samar Ragwanchi’, Ira screams and hugs Jolly excitedly, RC shocked asks is it the same ace photographer who shoots india’s big campaigns and all
Jolly tells Ira to tell her friend that there is only one single Samar Ragwanchi, with whom Jolly is excited to work with, Ira says RC knows who he is but is just confirming because Samar is very expensive, Jolly corrects her saying he’s damn talented, Ira sighs and he says about the fees he will talk to Samar about it
RC says its great news and shakes hand with Jolly who indicates that to Ira and she smiles, RC says he is expensive, Jolly says yes he is, RC says ‘bas budget ki band na bhaje’, Jolly jokes and tells RC to relax if there is band then they will dance on the bharat
Jolly then tells the two to check on their interns what creative ideas they collected, RC was about to go when Jolly tells him not to and says he will first go and check and then they all three can sit and discuss, RC becomes a bit upset
Udit goes to Alisha to asks about some design and she suggests a color, then Geeti Udit and Alisha discuss about it all as Suvi sees them and goes upstairs, Geeti then gives an idea and asks how about styling the top 12 internationalcelebrities, Udit says wow, Alisha says they can even designing 12 unique accessories, they all start discussing about the concepts, Suvi comes down the stairs
She calls out to Alisha and says she also has some ideas, Alisha makes a face, Suvi takes the papers from her desks and says she cant give the ideas but they can do to Jolly, she then says why is fashion so alien from their normal life and what if they make buses and trains their theme
She says that what is the point to make such clothes which people cant afford, those who can afford do such absurd shopping so what is the point, Jolly comes walking down the stairs slowly, Suvi goes on about buses and auto and talks to Alisha about accessories, Geeti Udit and Alisha sees Jolly
Alisha again with her evil mind tells Suvi that Jolly told her not to give ideas then why is she presenting, Suvi says so what they can present, she then shows Alisha the designs when Jolly comes and snatches a sheet from Suvi, he looks at them
Alisha says to Jolly that she was just telling Suvi that if she isn’t allowed to do something then she shouldn’t do it, Suvi looks at her shocked, Alisha goes on that why should she go against the rules but she said she would still present them
Jolly calls out to Suvi ‘little bug’ and shouts at her that why did she design when he told her not to, he screams at her asking what does she think of herself, does she think she is different form all of them(pointing at the other three)
He reminds her that he told her to see this project from far and assist these people but no she doesn’t want to listen, he shouts at her how dare she thought of giving presentation to him, he goes on that she thinks she is too talented to be here, she doesn’t want to listen to anybody, Geeti and Udit look tensed, Alisha smiles evil as Geeti watches her
Jolly shouts at Suvi to change her attitude and to become part of the project and do what she is asked to do only, Suvi hurt and about to cry agrees and says yes, she looks at Alisha, Jolly tears the designs in front of Suvi and throws them around, Alisha smiles, Geeti is shocked
Suvi clears out her designs crying, she goes to the store room and takes out a book from her file case and writes something
Jolly asks Udit to show what he has got, Udit tells him that ‘bikini calendar’ is a good idea it always works, Udit goes off sighing, Geeti tells Udit why does he need new calendar on his wall as he still has dec 2011′s calendar up there, he tells her that taking Yana Gupta’s poster off the wall will be a sin
Geeti sighs and tells Jolly she has a plan and goes to him, she tells him wouldn’t it be great if they dressed the top 12 celebrities and gives examples as Jolly walks away from her disappointed
He goes to Alisha and asks her, she tells him she was thinking about using Accessories as it will help enhance both the model and outfit, Alisha says she was thinking of making 12 accessories, 6 for men and 6 for women, Jolly exclaims WOW and Alisha becomes happy
He then tells them all if they could think something simple, and tells that to Alisha specifically who makes a face, Jolly leaves from there
Suvi is writing when she sees RC and thinks, she takes her papers which Jolly tore and tapes them up and take sit all to RC
Suvi tells him she wanted to talk to him, RC asks concerned if everything is okay, Suvi says yeah and tells him she thought of a theme for the calendar, RC leaves his work and says to tell what she has got, Suvi then tells him about how fashion is always for celebrities and all and why not they make fashion for common people
RC listens to her as she tells him rich people can go shopping anywhere but how about they make designer wear for common people, RC explains her that all brands are doing that but Iris cant, he tells her that they belong to high fashion category, they cant make garments in bulk for people, they need to design people’s dreams
He tells her what she is saying will be the opposite for their brand, he tells her Iris is class and creativity, Suvi says she knows but what if they combine both creativity and affordability , she says if they make affordable creative clothes for youth then it will be good, she tells him to see the designs once, RC takes them
Ira also sees them and says to Suvi wasn’t she supposed to assist others and asksher what will she take to do what she is asked to do, she asks Suvi why is she so bend to lower Iris’s name, Ira tells Suvi RC is a celebrity designer and her down market idea can be perfect for her tailor in her street but not for here, and tells her to take her designs and go
Suvi says she thinks there is something right in this idea, Ira tells her off that the right thing is to shut up, Suvi nods, Ira tells Suvi that the top photographer will join from tomorrow and he has worked with the best in the world so he wont like any cheap or local thing, and asks her to do what she is asked to and nothing extra
Suvi says ok and looks at RC who looks helplessly at her and leaves.
Surveen Guggal - Topper of the year 2nd May
Epi begins with suvreen coming back disappointed, talking to herself wondering, “RC sir also dint like my designs …but why?., it’s for the common youth. Why can’t we design for them…I just don’t get it.” she goes into flashback recollecting what rc tells him abt his target market being different. Then she thinks it’s not imp that sir shall like all my ideas, and she also feels irritated tht she manage to upset ira ma’am again. Suvreen gets upset that why is she feeling so bad and she is disappointing everyone. Then she says she can’t do it anymore. She reaches for her phone and calls her mom. Without listening to the other side she starts talking. The phone was picked up by Pappa guggal, who silently hears suvreen cringing about how it’s very tough for her in Mumbai and she can’t do it anymore. She says she is missing her family and she is abt to say she is missing her pa and she stops. Then she says she wants to hear her mothers voice. PG, with misty eyes, says suvreen, and SG is shocked to hear her father, and she disconnects the phone while crying.
Next scene shows suvis roommate goin on some set and she asks a man there tht she has come to meet Jatin..the man asks her to wait, while she is waiting she gets a text MSG from Jatin, asking her to MSG her address so tht he can meet her at her home. She texts her address.
Next scene: preeti hands over some magazines to geeti. Geeti thanks her, and says tht she was thinking of buying the MAgzine while going home. Preeti tells her there is no need as the magazines are subscribed by the company. Then they talk abt the braclet, while Alisha is laughing in the background. When geeti gets back to her bf, Alisha teases her tht she is leaving vikram and befriending preeti. Geeti says her funda is tht, if someone requires help she gives a a helping hand. On which all of them joke of giving preeti a make over or many cosmetic surgeries
Next scene: maddy gets back to his apartment and finds the note SG has stuck to his door, smiles and gets a poster of ice princess with markings of welcome neighbour on it. He is sticking it on suvis door when suvis room mate opens the door and mistakes maddy for Jatin.
Suvis parents are having dinner and mumma is lost in her thoughts. Pappa informs her tht he is going to mumbai for some work and if mamia wants she can join her too and meet suvi. Mamma gets excited and says she will call suvi, on whoch Pg says they will not stay with suvi, she left the home and if someone has to come back then its suvi and not him. Maddy also doesn’t correct her hand enjoys himself while she gives him auditionsjby portraying different actresses. Maddy asks if she gets an item number..? So she starts performing on kajrare kajrare song. Suvi gets back to her apartment and find a lot of kids staring at the poster. The kids ask suvi what does ice princess means and suvi says it means someone who is cold and doesn’t have emotions and doesn’t enjoy herself. The kids say that aunts you should enjoy yourself. Then suvi sees the poster and understands what the kids a re talking abt. She gets angry and says she is enjoying herself to which the kids say she really doesnt have emotions. Suvi enters the apartment, and is shocked to c maddy enjoying to the dance number. She marches in and stops the music.and argues with her roommate and tells her tht this is maddy and not Jatin sir
Next morning suvi is surprised tht her roommate have given her address to a stranger…and she needs to be careful. Her room mate leaves. Suvi sees that there is only 500 rupees left with her, she prays tht she better get her salary on time and the maid comes in, suvi asks why she is late. The maid says there was lot of work at maddy’s place, and also informs tht there is a party tonight. Suvi says whatever but don’t let maddy in and dont give him ice. The phone rings and it’s yuvraaj’s call. Suvi excitedly picks yup and hays hello. Yuvi’s asks is ur neighbour alright or he is drunk and troubling u ? Suvi says everyone is worried abt her neighbour. No hi hello, are you my bf or tht pp’s? Yuvi’s replys tht he is worried abt her… But if some Godzilla enters her life then he will obviously be worried. He asks again…to which suvi says she finds it irritating to talk abt pp, he is very selfcentered and he thinks he alone exists in the world …yuvi’s I turrets and says when u talk like this I feel u want to change tht person, I know u can and u already have done it earlier( referring to himself). But don’t do it now. U hav a new job, a home, u leave this guy for me, when I will come then I will take care of him. Suvi gets angry and asks yuvi did I ask u to come here?, did I ask u for help?, then y do u think I can’t do anything without ur protection. Yuvi says he dint say tht. Suvi says but u meant tht. And what do u mean by I will do thisu, I will do tht, and why are u getting hyper. Yuvraaj say take care suvi…suvi says u too. Then disconnect. Yuvraaj feels very bad. Suvi thinks I was a bit too harsh with yuvraaj, and says I miss u. Then she wonders should I call yuvraaj?
Next scene shows suvis roommate goin on some set and she asks a man there tht she has come to meet Jatin..the man asks her to wait, while she is waiting she gets a text MSG from Jatin, asking her to MSG her address so tht he can meet her at her home. She texts her address.
Next scene: preeti hands over some magazines to geeti. Geeti thanks her, and says tht she was thinking of buying the MAgzine while going home. Preeti tells her there is no need as the magazines are subscribed by the company. Then they talk abt the braclet, while Alisha is laughing in the background. When geeti gets back to her bf, Alisha teases her tht she is leaving vikram and befriending preeti. Geeti says her funda is tht, if someone requires help she gives a a helping hand. On which all of them joke of giving preeti a make over or many cosmetic surgeries
Next scene: maddy gets back to his apartment and finds the note SG has stuck to his door, smiles and gets a poster of ice princess with markings of welcome neighbour on it. He is sticking it on suvis door when suvis room mate opens the door and mistakes maddy for Jatin.
Suvis parents are having dinner and mumma is lost in her thoughts. Pappa informs her tht he is going to mumbai for some work and if mamia wants she can join her too and meet suvi. Mamma gets excited and says she will call suvi, on whoch Pg says they will not stay with suvi, she left the home and if someone has to come back then its suvi and not him. Maddy also doesn’t correct her hand enjoys himself while she gives him auditionsjby portraying different actresses. Maddy asks if she gets an item number..? So she starts performing on kajrare kajrare song. Suvi gets back to her apartment and find a lot of kids staring at the poster. The kids ask suvi what does ice princess means and suvi says it means someone who is cold and doesn’t have emotions and doesn’t enjoy herself. The kids say that aunts you should enjoy yourself. Then suvi sees the poster and understands what the kids a re talking abt. She gets angry and says she is enjoying herself to which the kids say she really doesnt have emotions. Suvi enters the apartment, and is shocked to c maddy enjoying to the dance number. She marches in and stops the music.and argues with her roommate and tells her tht this is maddy and not Jatin sir
Next morning suvi is surprised tht her roommate have given her address to a stranger…and she needs to be careful. Her room mate leaves. Suvi sees that there is only 500 rupees left with her, she prays tht she better get her salary on time and the maid comes in, suvi asks why she is late. The maid says there was lot of work at maddy’s place, and also informs tht there is a party tonight. Suvi says whatever but don’t let maddy in and dont give him ice. The phone rings and it’s yuvraaj’s call. Suvi excitedly picks yup and hays hello. Yuvi’s asks is ur neighbour alright or he is drunk and troubling u ? Suvi says everyone is worried abt her neighbour. No hi hello, are you my bf or tht pp’s? Yuvi’s replys tht he is worried abt her… But if some Godzilla enters her life then he will obviously be worried. He asks again…to which suvi says she finds it irritating to talk abt pp, he is very selfcentered and he thinks he alone exists in the world …yuvi’s I turrets and says when u talk like this I feel u want to change tht person, I know u can and u already have done it earlier( referring to himself). But don’t do it now. U hav a new job, a home, u leave this guy for me, when I will come then I will take care of him. Suvi gets angry and asks yuvi did I ask u to come here?, did I ask u for help?, then y do u think I can’t do anything without ur protection. Yuvi says he dint say tht. Suvi says but u meant tht. And what do u mean by I will do thisu, I will do tht, and why are u getting hyper. Yuvraaj say take care suvi…suvi says u too. Then disconnect. Yuvraaj feels very bad. Suvi thinks I was a bit too harsh with yuvraaj, and says I miss u. Then she wonders should I call yuvraaj?
Surveen Guggal - Topper of the year 6th May
The Episode starts with Suvreen. Police asks everyone What did you drink? Suvi watchs them. Police asks Anyone wants to say something?? Maddy says YES! The police comes to him and says : You want to say again something?? Ok say.. Maddy says: If your finished can we go ?? Police says: who are you and telling me that ?? Maddy gives his phone and says that he has to check. After a while the police goes.. Suvreen looks at Maddy .. he is very angry !! Suvreen thinks: OMG! What did I do?? I didn’t want that the police come and take them out. I only wanted the music switched off.. Maddy wants to go but the police doesn’t let him go. Maddy says: How can you arrest us like this?? Is not allowed to do party at home?? Police says : Yes. Suvi watchs them.. her phone rings.. it’s Mumma guggal. She goes to a police and says that she wants to talk with him. He says ok.. She tells him that she called the police and gives him her phone to check. Maddy looks at Suvi and gets confused and thinks: Why is Suvreen talking with the police? Soni talks to Mumma too much.. Soni gets very tensed.. Mumma says that it’s really late, she wants to meet her in the office. Soni doesn’t let her go to the office. After a while Puppa Guggal calls Mumma and asks is suvi there?? Mumma says that she is not there.. He says that he is waiting for a call. And then they hang up. Mumma says to Soni that they should call Suvi and tell her that she is at home and waiting for her. She calls Suvi. The police takes Suvis phone and wants to check but a police comes and says that anyone is on the phone and wants to talk with him. The police takes the phone and talks.. Suvi sees that her phone is ringing in Police’s hand. She gets tensed and thinks: If it’s Mumma?? And then Maddy comes to Suvreen. He looks really angry and says: Why I’m feeling that you have called the police?? Suvi gets shocked and tensed.. she asks: Why you think so?? He says that she seems like that. She says : I didn’t do that. And then a police comes and says that Suvi has called the police and gives her phone back.. and says that she can go now. Maddy gets angry.. and Suvi gets sad and goes.. the police comes to Maddy and says that he has to go with them. While he is going to the police car he turns around and looks how Suvi runs.
In Suvis house. Suvi is going to her house and knocking. Soni opens the door. Suvi asks : where is Mumma?? She says that she is inside.. Suvi comes and sees her mum. She crys and runs to hug her. Mumma crys too. And then Mumma Guggal calls puppa and says that Suvi is there and then she asks do you want to talk to her?? Suvi gets happy and wants to talk with him but he says no. She gets sad. And then they hang up. Suvi and Mumma are having fun together.. Puppa is sitting on the couch and says: I should go there too..
In the morning. Mumma is cooking food and screaming at Soni and Suvreen. They come and eat the food. and then Soni gets sad.. Suvi asks what happened? She says that she is missing her Mum. Mumma says that she should not be sad, coz she is like her mum too..Mumma says that she will go with them for dinner tonight..
After a while Suvis phone rings.. It’s Jolly he says that she should buy flowers for the photographer. And then she goes to take flowers for him.
In the office. Everybuddie in the office are very happy that the photographer Samar comes today. Rehan, Jolla and Ira are waiting for Samar. And then Samar comes.. (They don’t show his face) Everybuddie looks shocked.. Suvi comes running to the office a big flower on her hand.. Pritty asks where were you? Suvi tells that Jolly said that Suvi should buy some flower for Samar. Pritty says that he is already there. Suvi gets tensed and runs up the stairs. She goes in. Jolly says to Samar: Please accept this for being in our project. Samar stands up . (Suvi can’t see his face) Samar says : Ofcourse jolly, thanks for understanding why I am late. He tells that police came and took him out because he does party at his house. And then he turns around.. both get shocked..!! IT’S MADDY’ Suvi imagines all the scenes with Maddy.. How they met .. and the scenes of todays epi.. Maddy says to Suvi: is the flowers for me?? She gives the flowers.. He says: Awww’ how sweet :P PP and then he says to all: everybuddy in your office is soo sweet.. I wish my neughbour would be sweet too..
he ask to Suvis: where did you get that these are my favourite flower?? He calls her Aunty.. He sits and says sorry again.. RC says : It’s ok.. it can happen everyone.. Maddy says: No, nobody could happen that coz nobody has the neighbor aunty as their neighbor everybuddy laughs. RC says that everyone is happy to work with him. Maddy says that he is happy to work with RC Sir.! Jolly says to all: Go to work.. and they go. Only Suvi not.. Maddy looks back to Suvreen and he laughs..
Episode ENDS!!
In Suvis house. Suvi is going to her house and knocking. Soni opens the door. Suvi asks : where is Mumma?? She says that she is inside.. Suvi comes and sees her mum. She crys and runs to hug her. Mumma crys too. And then Mumma Guggal calls puppa and says that Suvi is there and then she asks do you want to talk to her?? Suvi gets happy and wants to talk with him but he says no. She gets sad. And then they hang up. Suvi and Mumma are having fun together.. Puppa is sitting on the couch and says: I should go there too..
In the morning. Mumma is cooking food and screaming at Soni and Suvreen. They come and eat the food. and then Soni gets sad.. Suvi asks what happened? She says that she is missing her Mum. Mumma says that she should not be sad, coz she is like her mum too..Mumma says that she will go with them for dinner tonight..
In the office. Everybuddie in the office are very happy that the photographer Samar comes today. Rehan, Jolla and Ira are waiting for Samar. And then Samar comes.. (They don’t show his face) Everybuddie looks shocked.. Suvi comes running to the office a big flower on her hand.. Pritty asks where were you? Suvi tells that Jolly said that Suvi should buy some flower for Samar. Pritty says that he is already there. Suvi gets tensed and runs up the stairs. She goes in. Jolly says to Samar: Please accept this for being in our project. Samar stands up . (Suvi can’t see his face) Samar says : Ofcourse jolly, thanks for understanding why I am late. He tells that police came and took him out because he does party at his house. And then he turns around.. both get shocked..!! IT’S MADDY’ Suvi imagines all the scenes with Maddy.. How they met .. and the scenes of todays epi.. Maddy says to Suvi: is the flowers for me?? She gives the flowers.. He says: Awww’ how sweet :P PP and then he says to all: everybuddy in your office is soo sweet.. I wish my neughbour would be sweet too..
Episode ENDS!!
Surveen Guggal - Topper of the year 7th May
The episode starts of with Alisha laughing at Geeti boyfriend she goes you think you have figured out Samar Raghuvanshi but the truth is no one can figure out Samar Raghuvanshi… his life is a secret…she is praising Samar… she goes he is well known for one thing which is his work.. she also goes no one has guts to ask him information about himself… he changes his location all the time once he is in Mumbai and the next time he is in Paris then Dharamshala… he changes his houses as well as girlfriends… Alisha also adds he is very rich he rents apartments and stays anywhere he likes.. she also says he parties all day and all night (guys I reckon Alisha is going mad about Maddy its great now she will leave Yuvi and Yuvreen in peace)
The new guy duno his name says that life isn’t all about parties girlfriends and drinking… Preeti is very happy with his speech she smiles at him… Geeti Boyfriend adds such people aren’t attached to anything and they are very dangerous… he goes to Alisha where did you hear about all this before Alisha can anwser Geeti says ofcourse from her Mom Mrs Deewan.. Alisha goes everyone knows about Samar.
Suvi is talking to Yuvi on the phone saying the whole world knows about him he is world famous refering to Samar.. Yuvi says what your sarpara padosi turned out to be world famous photographer.. Suvi goes haan.. then Yuvi goes why is he so rude to you? Suvi goes I dont know maybe I am trouble minded it.. Yuvi goes Topper dont say that maybe he will behave nicely in office and you also behave properly.. then he goes smile..tu apni itni pyaari si bugs bunny wali smile seh kisi seh kuch bhi karwah sakthi hai (so cute luv Yuvi) then Suvi goes AWW!!! Yuvi goes Topper dont do Aww you do aww when you see Puppys and when you see me Suvi laughs… Yuvi goes dont laugh.. you want to end your fight with Samar.. Suvi goes it wont happen after what happened last night… she goes maine apneh pare par khode kholari mari hai… Yuvi goes aise kya kar diya Topper… Suvi was about to tell him then she changed her mind she didnt want Yuvi to be in tension… so she goes last night Mumma came we had a good time talked loads and Mumma made paranthas in the morning for me… Suvi also says that today when I go home me and Mumma will go out site seeing… Yuvi goes Auntyji is ther eno wonder you are happy.. she goes yeah I’m happy I can talk to her share things with her… then she goes I should keep myself busy and be happy and I shoudn’t get involved in stupid padosi matters… (so true) then she goes I have to go now I will talk to you after.. Yuvi goes ok we will talk after bye.. Yuvi disconnects the phone he says there is something which topper is hiding from me something happened last night which is giving problem to her (I guess now maddy will be the one causing trouble for Yuvreen, Suvi should of just told Yuvi the full story) then Yuvi goes aise to pehele kabhi nahiye hua.
Now we see Mumma Guggal talking to Papa Guggal she goes it’s first time that Suvi is staying alone, it was nice going to her house, she goes our daughter is standing on her two feet, she is working, and she is staying alone in such a big city… then she talks about Suvi room mate Soni Chaddha she goes while I was waiting for Suvi Soni never let me be bored she kept talking and talking… she is a fm radio she never let me be bored one minute.. she also says Soni and Suvi have become good friends… then she goes in the morning I made Mooli waleh parantha and Soni got emotional… she also says there one good thing about Suvi she adjusts quickly to situations and makes friendsquickly… Papa Guggal nods his head and doesnt say anything… Mumma Guggal says she wants to take Suvi and Soni out for dinner she says to Puppa Guggal you can come along as well… Puppa Guggal goes he has to go to his Mumbai office he goes I have come to Mumbai for work related matter if you want you can go. (Puppa Guggal is being so stubborn very bad he wants to go to see Suvi really but wont dumb ego)
Jolly is showing Samar the whole office… Samar is searching for someone in the office… Jolly thinks Samar has doubts abiut working on the project…so Jolly starts praising Samar he goes your working style is different.. then he goes do you liek the office? Samar goes its good.. Samar he wants to start working as soon as possible.. Jolly goes great… then he goes I want a office space and a personal assistant.. Jolly goes we will get your office ready tomorrow Jolly suggest Preeti to be his PA but Samar disagrees.
Jolly show Samar the office space and tell Suvi she will be Samar PA… Samar smirks evilly at Suvi… Suvi isn’t very happy… she goes what is happening she goes Gannuji kya aap vacation par ho seriously batoa jabseh yeh Maddy milah hai first moment seh intnah pareshaan kiya hua hai he was neighbour, then office agayah now woh mera boss hai… then Jolly goes what I say.. she goes Maddy mera boss hai.. Jolly goes what.. she goes I understand Samar is my boss… Jolly goes this is your last chance you wont get a bad boss like him but you will get a good teacher like him… Jolly leaves
Samar goes here we are neighbour welcome to the real world… life is so strange like zig zag types we have to be cautious… Suvi apologises to Samar… he then goes you can call em Samar I wont mind… you’re my assistant what you do in your free time doesnt bother me.. if you have free time that would bother me… Suvi goes shall I get magazines for you he goes know anyone can do that.. he goes go to my car and get my laptop Suvi goes WHAT? Samar goes my bad.. get my wallet also from the dashboard he goes happy… the he goes Hater he throws his keys to Suvi she catches them he goes nice catch
Alisha tells the others Samar is very harsh with his assistants… no one can stay with him more than 2 weeks… one of his assistant attempted suicide because Samar screamed too much at him..
Back to Suvi and Samar he goes to Suvi take my laptop and magazines back to my car.. he goes tomorrow when I reach office my coffee and newpaper should be on my desk and the AC temperature should be 23 degrees .. then he goes Hater are you forgeting something… Suvi looks around… he throws his keys at her she catches it he goes nice catch again.. he laughs at Suvi.
The new guy duno his name says that life isn’t all about parties girlfriends and drinking… Preeti is very happy with his speech she smiles at him… Geeti Boyfriend adds such people aren’t attached to anything and they are very dangerous… he goes to Alisha where did you hear about all this before Alisha can anwser Geeti says ofcourse from her Mom Mrs Deewan.. Alisha goes everyone knows about Samar.
Suvi is talking to Yuvi on the phone saying the whole world knows about him he is world famous refering to Samar.. Yuvi says what your sarpara padosi turned out to be world famous photographer.. Suvi goes haan.. then Yuvi goes why is he so rude to you? Suvi goes I dont know maybe I am trouble minded it.. Yuvi goes Topper dont say that maybe he will behave nicely in office and you also behave properly.. then he goes smile..tu apni itni pyaari si bugs bunny wali smile seh kisi seh kuch bhi karwah sakthi hai (so cute luv Yuvi) then Suvi goes AWW!!! Yuvi goes Topper dont do Aww you do aww when you see Puppys and when you see me Suvi laughs… Yuvi goes dont laugh.. you want to end your fight with Samar.. Suvi goes it wont happen after what happened last night… she goes maine apneh pare par khode kholari mari hai… Yuvi goes aise kya kar diya Topper… Suvi was about to tell him then she changed her mind she didnt want Yuvi to be in tension… so she goes last night Mumma came we had a good time talked loads and Mumma made paranthas in the morning for me… Suvi also says that today when I go home me and Mumma will go out site seeing… Yuvi goes Auntyji is ther eno wonder you are happy.. she goes yeah I’m happy I can talk to her share things with her… then she goes I should keep myself busy and be happy and I shoudn’t get involved in stupid padosi matters… (so true) then she goes I have to go now I will talk to you after.. Yuvi goes ok we will talk after bye.. Yuvi disconnects the phone he says there is something which topper is hiding from me something happened last night which is giving problem to her (I guess now maddy will be the one causing trouble for Yuvreen, Suvi should of just told Yuvi the full story) then Yuvi goes aise to pehele kabhi nahiye hua.
Now we see Mumma Guggal talking to Papa Guggal she goes it’s first time that Suvi is staying alone, it was nice going to her house, she goes our daughter is standing on her two feet, she is working, and she is staying alone in such a big city… then she talks about Suvi room mate Soni Chaddha she goes while I was waiting for Suvi Soni never let me be bored she kept talking and talking… she is a fm radio she never let me be bored one minute.. she also says Soni and Suvi have become good friends… then she goes in the morning I made Mooli waleh parantha and Soni got emotional… she also says there one good thing about Suvi she adjusts quickly to situations and makes friendsquickly… Papa Guggal nods his head and doesnt say anything… Mumma Guggal says she wants to take Suvi and Soni out for dinner she says to Puppa Guggal you can come along as well… Puppa Guggal goes he has to go to his Mumbai office he goes I have come to Mumbai for work related matter if you want you can go. (Puppa Guggal is being so stubborn very bad he wants to go to see Suvi really but wont dumb ego)
Jolly is showing Samar the whole office… Samar is searching for someone in the office… Jolly thinks Samar has doubts abiut working on the project…so Jolly starts praising Samar he goes your working style is different.. then he goes do you liek the office? Samar goes its good.. Samar he wants to start working as soon as possible.. Jolly goes great… then he goes I want a office space and a personal assistant.. Jolly goes we will get your office ready tomorrow Jolly suggest Preeti to be his PA but Samar disagrees.
Jolly show Samar the office space and tell Suvi she will be Samar PA… Samar smirks evilly at Suvi… Suvi isn’t very happy… she goes what is happening she goes Gannuji kya aap vacation par ho seriously batoa jabseh yeh Maddy milah hai first moment seh intnah pareshaan kiya hua hai he was neighbour, then office agayah now woh mera boss hai… then Jolly goes what I say.. she goes Maddy mera boss hai.. Jolly goes what.. she goes I understand Samar is my boss… Jolly goes this is your last chance you wont get a bad boss like him but you will get a good teacher like him… Jolly leaves
Samar goes here we are neighbour welcome to the real world… life is so strange like zig zag types we have to be cautious… Suvi apologises to Samar… he then goes you can call em Samar I wont mind… you’re my assistant what you do in your free time doesnt bother me.. if you have free time that would bother me… Suvi goes shall I get magazines for you he goes know anyone can do that.. he goes go to my car and get my laptop Suvi goes WHAT? Samar goes my bad.. get my wallet also from the dashboard he goes happy… the he goes Hater he throws his keys to Suvi she catches them he goes nice catch
Alisha tells the others Samar is very harsh with his assistants… no one can stay with him more than 2 weeks… one of his assistant attempted suicide because Samar screamed too much at him..
Back to Suvi and Samar he goes to Suvi take my laptop and magazines back to my car.. he goes tomorrow when I reach office my coffee and newpaper should be on my desk and the AC temperature should be 23 degrees .. then he goes Hater are you forgeting something… Suvi looks around… he throws his keys at her she catches it he goes nice catch again.. he laughs at Suvi.
Surveen Guggal - Topper of the year 8th May
Epi begins with RC working and thinking he cant finish all the work by himself, he then wonders why Suvi isn’t there and calls Preeti and asks her to find Suvi and send her to his office, Preeti tells RC that Suvi has gone to keep Samar’s stuff in his car, RC shocked asks why, Preeti informs him that Jolly has appointed Suvi as Samar’s personal assistant, RC keeps the phone in anger
Suvi keeps the stuff in the car and talks to gannuji saying he surely must be on vacationotherwise why would anyone need an assistant for these kind of work and why her only
Just then Yuvi calls and Suvi thinks she wont pick up his call coz now her mood is off and she will surely crib and ruin his mood too, Yuvi thinks why Suvi isn’t picking up and tries again but Suvi cuts the call, Yuvi thinks she never cuts the call like that and tells himself definitely the mad photographer has done something, he wishes he could be with her right now atleast he could have helped her out from all this stress
Yuvi thinks helplessly he is so far away he cant even do anything and gets frustrated saying long distance relationships are useless
RC screams out asking Ira what is Jolly upto, he tells her Jolly knows very well Suvi is his assistant then why did he appoint her, he tells her for this project he needs Suvi he cant even complete one design and there are 12 designs and such a short time, he further asks again how could Jolly make this decision how could he make Suvi Samar’s assistant, RC tells her irritated jolly cant take all the decisions here, Ira tells RC Jolly did ask him about it and she was the one to say ok, RC looks at her angrily
Ira tells him whats the big deal as Suvi isn’t one of their best intern and she tells him she thinks he’s too soft on her, she further goes on that Suvi wont learn anything like that, its better for her to be under a hard task master who can teach her everything and only then she can become something
She explains RC that being with Samar her aesthetics will improve and she will get a new perspective and explore a new territory which will benefit her creative outlet, RC nods still grumpy, Ira informs him she has already found him a good assistant, RC looks at her bewildered and tries to say something but cant
Ira asks irritated to RC what is the issue with Suvreen, whenever they talk about her he becomes so touchy, RC reminds Ira that after the Shaina incident he didn’t even talk to her, but now he needs her because he trusts her, Ira irritated asks after what she did, RC tries to argue back but then gives up and says there is no use talking about it again and again
Just then Rohan comes to the office and Ira informs him that he will assist RC in this project, they both go to RC’s office, Rohan asks RC what do they start with and what do they have to do, RC opens a diary and hands it to Rohan informing him that he needs to complete these tasks by today even if he has to work late night, Rohan says no problem and he will start right away and leaves from there, while RC sits back grumpily
Soni and Suvi are on the road and Soni says angrily she cant believe Maddy made her his personal assistant, Suvi says when the luck is bad then virus enters even though there is antivirus, Soni tells her if he annoys too much then she should give him one slap, Suvi laughs and says from the time she met him she always wished to give one tight slap
Soni explains Suvi since they are working together now she shouldn’t do any panga and advices her behave cordially, Suvi says she will try, she then looks around thinking Mamma didn’t come
Her phone rings and Suvi apologizes to Yuvi for not picking up his call, Yuvi says its ok anyways she will not take phone calls rather than working at office, Suvi agrees and says she was so busy at office and plus its so hot in Mumbai, Yuvi says he knows as he checks both Delhi and Mumbai temperatures now, he says since the city she is living in he has to keep all the info
Suvi says really and asks to say what she is doing right now, Yuvi hears the bg sound and says it seems like she is out and says maybe out for office work, Suvi laughs and says no and tells him she is going out with Mamma and Soni and they are waiting for Mamma
Yuvi says he wished he could take her out too, he wishes he was within walking distance from her, Suvi jokes with him and says he is at walking distance and tells him to start walking and in 4 months he will reach, Yuvi says laugh how much ever you want, Suvi apologizes and says even though they are physically distanced but they are still very much closer (Oye hoye damn i soo want to see them together)
Yuvi says in your heart, Suvi jokes saying she is already talking so cheesy even he is talking cheesy and then says yes ‘in my heart’ (gosh they are so adorable), Yuvi asks her does she miss him, Suvi asks what kind of question is that, Yuvi says why doesn’t she call him to her, Suvi tells him he is 12ookm far away, Yuvi says to try and say this cheetah can come across the seas also so 1200km is nothing
Suvi spots her Mamma coming and tells Yuvi she is coming and keeps the phone in a hurry, Yuvi looks at their picture on his phone and says he cant do anymore of this long distance relationship (YAAAYYY come to Mumabi sooon Yuvi)
Preeti finishes her work finally and thinks how much work they make her do and is about to leave when she stops seeing Rohan working on designing, she gets lost into her dreamland staring at him when she is woken up by the beep of her cell, she gets irritated at the stupid bank people for waking her up from her dream, she again gets lost staring at Rohan
Preeti thinks he is so dedicated and says to herself she read somewhere those who are dedicated turn out to be agood husband and father, she goes back to her PC and thinks of searching out more about him, she checks out his fb profile and admire his pictures, she thinks that she has to do something to lessen the distance between her and her prince charming, Rohan looks at her and smiles just then and Preeti faints back to her dream world again
Suvi tells Mamma she is so happy that she is here, Mamma says she has to thank Pappa for bringing her here, right outside the hotel Pappa gets off the taxi and asks the driver the fare, he tells him its 300rs and Pappa gets shocked and says he didn’t even travel so much that he is charging so much and asks the driver to show the meter, the driver says meter isn’t working and that rates have also changed, Pappa tells him his office people told him that it would take 200 rs to travel till here and he hands the driver 200rs
The driver argues back and Suvi comes there and starts shouting at him that its his fault he hasn’t put a new meter and tells him to leave otherwise she will call the police, the driver leaves, Suvi and Pappa G. are standing next to each other facing on opposite sides but stealing glances again and again at each other (awww they miss each other so much but they both are stopping to take a step forward)
Suvi then calls out to Mamma and goes to her and goes hyper talking about taxi drivers and meter and starts crying, she then goes on telling Mamma that she is happy she is here and that next time she comes she will take Mamma to different places, Pappa goes into fb of when Suvi told Pappa she didn’t want to do MBA and wanted to do Fashion course, and then goes into fb when he found out about Suvi going to Mumbai with Yuvi, Pappa G. cries and wipes his tears and goes into the hotel
Suvi watches him go and starts crying hugging her mom, she cries and asks is she that bad that Pappa left without seeing her, Mamma consoles her it isn’t like that, she is her best daughter and she only followed her heart and it isn’t a bad thing, Suvi says Pappa doesn’t love her anymore, Mamma consoles her saying they do love her a lot
Mamma tells her not to stress out so much and explains her that after so much happened its not easy to forget and forgive, she explains her he is still angry once that anger cools down everything will be fine, Suvi talks about the good old times she and Pappa shared and asks Mamma if things will go back to those days, Mamma hugs her and says yes it will as Suvi sobs
Mamma then tells her to stop crying and hands her an envelop, Suvi opens it to find some cash and she tells Mamma sternly she cant accept this, Mamma fires up at her that she does what she wants to do and Pappa also does what he wants to do and asks did anyone think about her what she wants, Suvi shakes her head crying, Mamma tells her she is giving he this money because she keeps worrying for her
Mamma then tells her when she starts earning then she can take her to Paris, Suvi smiles, Mamma tells her to become a big fashion designer soon and then she take her there, Suvi nods and Mamma asks if she can go, Suvi says no and asks Mamma how can she live without her, Mamma cries and says she doesn’t need to and hugs her (awww Mamma-Suvi scene was really heart-touching)
Precap: Soni gives commentary from the window saying Maddy’s going towards his car, opening the door, sitting on his car, she tells Suvi to hurry out as he already left with his car, Suvi runs out saying she is gone today, Suvi apologizes to Maddy in the office for being late who tells her he told her yesterday that he doesn’t like two things, apology and excuses, and informs her to say something when he asks, Suvi nods getting angry and goes to him and screams out she was listening and what will she do if she’s late should she kill herself, while Maddy hides his face with the magazine (OMG hahaha i cant wait to see this scene even though i think its going to be a dream hahaha Maddy was looking so cute trying to hide out)
Suvi keeps the stuff in the car and talks to gannuji saying he surely must be on vacationotherwise why would anyone need an assistant for these kind of work and why her only
Just then Yuvi calls and Suvi thinks she wont pick up his call coz now her mood is off and she will surely crib and ruin his mood too, Yuvi thinks why Suvi isn’t picking up and tries again but Suvi cuts the call, Yuvi thinks she never cuts the call like that and tells himself definitely the mad photographer has done something, he wishes he could be with her right now atleast he could have helped her out from all this stress
Yuvi thinks helplessly he is so far away he cant even do anything and gets frustrated saying long distance relationships are useless
RC screams out asking Ira what is Jolly upto, he tells her Jolly knows very well Suvi is his assistant then why did he appoint her, he tells her for this project he needs Suvi he cant even complete one design and there are 12 designs and such a short time, he further asks again how could Jolly make this decision how could he make Suvi Samar’s assistant, RC tells her irritated jolly cant take all the decisions here, Ira tells RC Jolly did ask him about it and she was the one to say ok, RC looks at her angrily
Ira tells him whats the big deal as Suvi isn’t one of their best intern and she tells him she thinks he’s too soft on her, she further goes on that Suvi wont learn anything like that, its better for her to be under a hard task master who can teach her everything and only then she can become something
She explains RC that being with Samar her aesthetics will improve and she will get a new perspective and explore a new territory which will benefit her creative outlet, RC nods still grumpy, Ira informs him she has already found him a good assistant, RC looks at her bewildered and tries to say something but cant
Ira asks irritated to RC what is the issue with Suvreen, whenever they talk about her he becomes so touchy, RC reminds Ira that after the Shaina incident he didn’t even talk to her, but now he needs her because he trusts her, Ira irritated asks after what she did, RC tries to argue back but then gives up and says there is no use talking about it again and again
Just then Rohan comes to the office and Ira informs him that he will assist RC in this project, they both go to RC’s office, Rohan asks RC what do they start with and what do they have to do, RC opens a diary and hands it to Rohan informing him that he needs to complete these tasks by today even if he has to work late night, Rohan says no problem and he will start right away and leaves from there, while RC sits back grumpily
Soni and Suvi are on the road and Soni says angrily she cant believe Maddy made her his personal assistant, Suvi says when the luck is bad then virus enters even though there is antivirus, Soni tells her if he annoys too much then she should give him one slap, Suvi laughs and says from the time she met him she always wished to give one tight slap
Soni explains Suvi since they are working together now she shouldn’t do any panga and advices her behave cordially, Suvi says she will try, she then looks around thinking Mamma didn’t come
Her phone rings and Suvi apologizes to Yuvi for not picking up his call, Yuvi says its ok anyways she will not take phone calls rather than working at office, Suvi agrees and says she was so busy at office and plus its so hot in Mumbai, Yuvi says he knows as he checks both Delhi and Mumbai temperatures now, he says since the city she is living in he has to keep all the info
Suvi says really and asks to say what she is doing right now, Yuvi hears the bg sound and says it seems like she is out and says maybe out for office work, Suvi laughs and says no and tells him she is going out with Mamma and Soni and they are waiting for Mamma
Yuvi says he wished he could take her out too, he wishes he was within walking distance from her, Suvi jokes with him and says he is at walking distance and tells him to start walking and in 4 months he will reach, Yuvi says laugh how much ever you want, Suvi apologizes and says even though they are physically distanced but they are still very much closer (Oye hoye damn i soo want to see them together)
Yuvi says in your heart, Suvi jokes saying she is already talking so cheesy even he is talking cheesy and then says yes ‘in my heart’ (gosh they are so adorable), Yuvi asks her does she miss him, Suvi asks what kind of question is that, Yuvi says why doesn’t she call him to her, Suvi tells him he is 12ookm far away, Yuvi says to try and say this cheetah can come across the seas also so 1200km is nothing
Suvi spots her Mamma coming and tells Yuvi she is coming and keeps the phone in a hurry, Yuvi looks at their picture on his phone and says he cant do anymore of this long distance relationship (YAAAYYY come to Mumabi sooon Yuvi)
Preeti finishes her work finally and thinks how much work they make her do and is about to leave when she stops seeing Rohan working on designing, she gets lost into her dreamland staring at him when she is woken up by the beep of her cell, she gets irritated at the stupid bank people for waking her up from her dream, she again gets lost staring at Rohan
Preeti thinks he is so dedicated and says to herself she read somewhere those who are dedicated turn out to be agood husband and father, she goes back to her PC and thinks of searching out more about him, she checks out his fb profile and admire his pictures, she thinks that she has to do something to lessen the distance between her and her prince charming, Rohan looks at her and smiles just then and Preeti faints back to her dream world again
Suvi tells Mamma she is so happy that she is here, Mamma says she has to thank Pappa for bringing her here, right outside the hotel Pappa gets off the taxi and asks the driver the fare, he tells him its 300rs and Pappa gets shocked and says he didn’t even travel so much that he is charging so much and asks the driver to show the meter, the driver says meter isn’t working and that rates have also changed, Pappa tells him his office people told him that it would take 200 rs to travel till here and he hands the driver 200rs
The driver argues back and Suvi comes there and starts shouting at him that its his fault he hasn’t put a new meter and tells him to leave otherwise she will call the police, the driver leaves, Suvi and Pappa G. are standing next to each other facing on opposite sides but stealing glances again and again at each other (awww they miss each other so much but they both are stopping to take a step forward)
Suvi then calls out to Mamma and goes to her and goes hyper talking about taxi drivers and meter and starts crying, she then goes on telling Mamma that she is happy she is here and that next time she comes she will take Mamma to different places, Pappa goes into fb of when Suvi told Pappa she didn’t want to do MBA and wanted to do Fashion course, and then goes into fb when he found out about Suvi going to Mumbai with Yuvi, Pappa G. cries and wipes his tears and goes into the hotel
Suvi watches him go and starts crying hugging her mom, she cries and asks is she that bad that Pappa left without seeing her, Mamma consoles her it isn’t like that, she is her best daughter and she only followed her heart and it isn’t a bad thing, Suvi says Pappa doesn’t love her anymore, Mamma consoles her saying they do love her a lot
Mamma tells her not to stress out so much and explains her that after so much happened its not easy to forget and forgive, she explains her he is still angry once that anger cools down everything will be fine, Suvi talks about the good old times she and Pappa shared and asks Mamma if things will go back to those days, Mamma hugs her and says yes it will as Suvi sobs
Mamma then tells her to stop crying and hands her an envelop, Suvi opens it to find some cash and she tells Mamma sternly she cant accept this, Mamma fires up at her that she does what she wants to do and Pappa also does what he wants to do and asks did anyone think about her what she wants, Suvi shakes her head crying, Mamma tells her she is giving he this money because she keeps worrying for her
Mamma then tells her when she starts earning then she can take her to Paris, Suvi smiles, Mamma tells her to become a big fashion designer soon and then she take her there, Suvi nods and Mamma asks if she can go, Suvi says no and asks Mamma how can she live without her, Mamma cries and says she doesn’t need to and hugs her (awww Mamma-Suvi scene was really heart-touching)
Precap: Soni gives commentary from the window saying Maddy’s going towards his car, opening the door, sitting on his car, she tells Suvi to hurry out as he already left with his car, Suvi runs out saying she is gone today, Suvi apologizes to Maddy in the office for being late who tells her he told her yesterday that he doesn’t like two things, apology and excuses, and informs her to say something when he asks, Suvi nods getting angry and goes to him and screams out she was listening and what will she do if she’s late should she kill herself, while Maddy hides his face with the magazine (OMG hahaha i cant wait to see this scene even though i think its going to be a dream hahaha Maddy was looking so cute trying to hide out)
Surveen Guggal - Topper of the year 9th May
Baldev does not believe that Suvreen will succeed in Mumbai.
He tells Lovely that she was wrong to give money to Suvreen.
Suvreen wakes up late in the morning.
Samar punishes her for being late.
Alisha makes Suvreen spill his coffee.
Rehan Charles complains about the budget.
He asks Jolly to come up with a theme.
Jolly informs him that the models for the calendar shoot have backed out.
Suvreen and Sony have a video chat with Yuvraj.
Yuvraj sees Maddy barging into their apartment late at night.
He tells Lovely that she was wrong to give money to Suvreen.
Suvreen wakes up late in the morning.
Samar punishes her for being late.
Alisha makes Suvreen spill his coffee.
Rehan Charles complains about the budget.
He asks Jolly to come up with a theme.
Jolly informs him that the models for the calendar shoot have backed out.
Suvreen and Sony have a video chat with Yuvraj.
Yuvraj sees Maddy barging into their apartment late at night.
Surveen Guggal - Topper of the year 10th May
Maddy takes some alcohol and says that he wants to presentation tomorrow morning. She looks at the clock and says how she can do it till tomorrow morning?? He says I don't know and goes. She goes to the laptop and wants to talk with Yuvraj but he gone Unhappy The sends massage to him: I'm busy, see you tomorrow.! Yuvraj gets confused coz she said that she is tired and now she is busy??? She saw the boxer man now she is not tired.. LOL They will make party now??? Shocked Topper was not like this. I'm the important thing in her life. He remembers how they talked in skype.. : He said I'm not so good looking. Soni said: Yes.. there is anyone who is more good looking than you.. He asked : who? They didn't answer..
In the morning.. Suvi sleeps. Her phone rings. Yuvraj wrote : I love You. Tongue Suvi says Hawww' '. Tongue so sweet *blushing* She gets up and screams Soni. After a while Suvi phone rings.. It's Yuvraj. He talks too much.. Suvi looks out of the window and watchs Samar's car.. She says : I'm busy please lets talk later.. And then they hang up. Yuvi gets sad. Unhappy Yuvi says to himself: She doesn't have time to talk on the phone.
In the office.. Jolly screams: It's not happening.!!! In front of Maddy, RC and Ira. RC says: Dramaqueen do you want to stop your drama now?? LOL And then Suvreen comes.. She brings coffee to Maddy. He wants to touch the coffee but it's too hot. He says that she has to bring him warm coffee not so hot. Suvi goes to bring him warm coffee. And then she comes.. he takes the coffee and drinks. He says: Better.!
Back to Yuvi. Topper is always thinking of the shirtless guy. He wants to call Suvi but then he thinks of gifting something to Suvi.. but what?? He gets up and thinks.. and then sits again and says: should I ask anyone what to gift her?? And then he calls Alisha.. She is confused coz he doesn't call her when YuvReen got together.. why is he calling her now?? And then she says: I think there will be a problem between them. And then she laughs.. she takes the call. She asks is everything ok between you and Suvreen? He says: She is busy so we couldn't talk together. Alisha says: Yes, she is busy these days.. she is always with Samar. He is a photographer. He is soo hot!!! Suvreen is really lucky.. she can be with Samar full day!!! Yuvraj gets angry. And then she says: If Samar is not there then she is always thinking of him. He really gets angry and hangs up.. (I HATE YOU ALISHA)
Soni and her boss is walking. And then after a while they a sitting. The guy says that he doesn't have a girlfriend and that he is not thinking about that. Soni says: Do you know what Shahrukh Khan said in Dil To Pagal Hai? For everybody is anyone anywhere. And then he says: You are different like the other girls. He asks is there anyone who is popular.. She says there is anyone who is my roommades boss. Samar. He asks: Is she working with Samar?? He is really important for us. You have to show your portfolio to him?? She gets shocked and asks: Is Samar really soo important??
Back in the office. Jolly, RC, Ira and Maddy are sitting. And a man too. They will show him a presentation. The man says that their team is really nice. He asks: Did you have searched for a model?? Ira says no not yet but we will do it soon. Jolly says that Samar could do it. Suvreen comes and brings the laptop to Maddy. Samar opens the laptop and the presentation file. Anything happened wrong there.. dunno what.. Samar gets angry and looks to Suvreen. Suvi gets shocked. Rehan laughs and says that it's a joke.. And then Jolly asks: Can we have the presentation please?? Maddy says Sure and opens the file. And then the presentation finished. The man goes with happy face. Ira and Jolly go with the man out. Only Rehan, Suvi and Maddy are left. Maddy goes to Suvreen and says that he said everything what she has to put in the presentation and what not. Suvi is almost crying. Rehan is watching them. Maddy continues: But you can't handle only a small thing.! Do you know what we are doing for meetings?? Suvi says Sorry and goes.. Rehan looks really sad.
Back to Yuvraj. He calls Soni. She says: I knew you would forget Suvreen when you see me. Now you singing this song: Meri Soni Meri Soni ' My Soni My Soni LOL or this song: Soni Soni Aakhiyon Wali.. LOL He says that he is not in the mood for jokes. She asks: what happened?? He asks something about Maddy. And then she says that he is always with Suvreen. Do you know he was in our house shirtless.. awww he was too hot.. Tongue Yuvi gets angry and hangs up.
Episode ends!
************************************************** *************
Yuvraj is waiting for Suvreen in the office. Suvreen comes and is shocked to see him. (their background tune is playing) And then Suvi pinch's Yuvi.. He asks what are you doing?? She hugs him.. (awww':P) and then she hears how anyone is coming. She gets shocked and looks at Yuvraj.
In the morning.. Suvi sleeps. Her phone rings. Yuvraj wrote : I love You. Tongue Suvi says Hawww' '. Tongue so sweet *blushing* She gets up and screams Soni. After a while Suvi phone rings.. It's Yuvraj. He talks too much.. Suvi looks out of the window and watchs Samar's car.. She says : I'm busy please lets talk later.. And then they hang up. Yuvi gets sad. Unhappy Yuvi says to himself: She doesn't have time to talk on the phone.
In the office.. Jolly screams: It's not happening.!!! In front of Maddy, RC and Ira. RC says: Dramaqueen do you want to stop your drama now?? LOL And then Suvreen comes.. She brings coffee to Maddy. He wants to touch the coffee but it's too hot. He says that she has to bring him warm coffee not so hot. Suvi goes to bring him warm coffee. And then she comes.. he takes the coffee and drinks. He says: Better.!
Back to Yuvi. Topper is always thinking of the shirtless guy. He wants to call Suvi but then he thinks of gifting something to Suvi.. but what?? He gets up and thinks.. and then sits again and says: should I ask anyone what to gift her?? And then he calls Alisha.. She is confused coz he doesn't call her when YuvReen got together.. why is he calling her now?? And then she says: I think there will be a problem between them. And then she laughs.. she takes the call. She asks is everything ok between you and Suvreen? He says: She is busy so we couldn't talk together. Alisha says: Yes, she is busy these days.. she is always with Samar. He is a photographer. He is soo hot!!! Suvreen is really lucky.. she can be with Samar full day!!! Yuvraj gets angry. And then she says: If Samar is not there then she is always thinking of him. He really gets angry and hangs up.. (I HATE YOU ALISHA)
Soni and her boss is walking. And then after a while they a sitting. The guy says that he doesn't have a girlfriend and that he is not thinking about that. Soni says: Do you know what Shahrukh Khan said in Dil To Pagal Hai? For everybody is anyone anywhere. And then he says: You are different like the other girls. He asks is there anyone who is popular.. She says there is anyone who is my roommades boss. Samar. He asks: Is she working with Samar?? He is really important for us. You have to show your portfolio to him?? She gets shocked and asks: Is Samar really soo important??
Back in the office. Jolly, RC, Ira and Maddy are sitting. And a man too. They will show him a presentation. The man says that their team is really nice. He asks: Did you have searched for a model?? Ira says no not yet but we will do it soon. Jolly says that Samar could do it. Suvreen comes and brings the laptop to Maddy. Samar opens the laptop and the presentation file. Anything happened wrong there.. dunno what.. Samar gets angry and looks to Suvreen. Suvi gets shocked. Rehan laughs and says that it's a joke.. And then Jolly asks: Can we have the presentation please?? Maddy says Sure and opens the file. And then the presentation finished. The man goes with happy face. Ira and Jolly go with the man out. Only Rehan, Suvi and Maddy are left. Maddy goes to Suvreen and says that he said everything what she has to put in the presentation and what not. Suvi is almost crying. Rehan is watching them. Maddy continues: But you can't handle only a small thing.! Do you know what we are doing for meetings?? Suvi says Sorry and goes.. Rehan looks really sad.
Back to Yuvraj. He calls Soni. She says: I knew you would forget Suvreen when you see me. Now you singing this song: Meri Soni Meri Soni ' My Soni My Soni LOL or this song: Soni Soni Aakhiyon Wali.. LOL He says that he is not in the mood for jokes. She asks: what happened?? He asks something about Maddy. And then she says that he is always with Suvreen. Do you know he was in our house shirtless.. awww he was too hot.. Tongue Yuvi gets angry and hangs up.
Episode ends!
************************************************** *************
Yuvraj is waiting for Suvreen in the office. Suvreen comes and is shocked to see him. (their background tune is playing) And then Suvi pinch's Yuvi.. He asks what are you doing?? She hugs him.. (awww':P) and then she hears how anyone is coming. She gets shocked and looks at Yuvraj.
Surveen Guggal - Topper of the year 13th May
The episode starts in the office. Suvreen is writing something. And then Rehan comes and gives her coffee. She says thanks and stands up. He says sit
I wish I could help you more. If you need something then you can ask me. I’m really proud of you. She says thanks. And then he says take care, see you and then he goes. Ira was seeing all that behind them. She looks really confused. And then she goes. Suvreen is still writing on pc. She goes to check her phone. She sees that she got more then 20 calls of Yuvraj. She calls him and he takes the call very fast he had his phone on his hand. She says that he took the call very fast. He says I’m not so busy like you, and I won’t hang up. She says that she was kidding. He asks what happened? She says the same thing.! Samar is soo irritating. She talks about the meeting. She says nobody likes him. He asks really? She says yes, he is good looking and a hero typ but that doesn’t mean that I’ve to like him. He says that she should talk with Rehan about that. But she says that she can’t coz Samar is her boss. He gets angry doesn’t say something and hangs up the call without saying bye.
In the night. Suvi comes home while talking with herself. She goes to the kitchen and takes wather and drinks, she sits on the couch and screams I HATE SAMAR! And then Soni comes with her phone on her hand and sits on the couch too. And then Soni goes to the kitchen and eats something , she says that she wants to work with important stars.. Soni says that Samar is a good photographer. Suvi gets angry and stands up, goes to the kitchen. Soni says if she shows her portfolio to Samar then she will get more chance to be an actress, but if Suvi asks Samar about that?? And then Suvi gets angry and talks tooo much. Soni is crying. Suvi says that she doesn’t want to hear Samar’s name in this house again. And then Suvi goes.
Jolly and Ira are talking about the designes.
Back to Suvi. She talks on the phone with Yuvi. She is irritated again and talks about Maddy. Yuvi asks to tell it to Rehan but she says that it would look unprofessional..she can’t do it. Samar is behaving like a boss. Yuvraj says: Now you are on his site na?? I think you like Maddy right?? Suvi gets shocked.. He is soo good looking boy.. now you will like him .. Suvi says: What is happening between you and Alisha? Isn’t the same thing?? He asks how she comes to Alisha? He says that she is a good friend. And then hangs up with angry face.
Yuvraj sits on his bed and calls Alisha. She says that she thought that they would have a video chat in skype. She asks what happened? Yuvi says that she was right.. when he calls her she is always talking about Maddy. Yuvraj says that maddy is Suvreens neighbor. She says that there is something between Samar and Suvreen.
In the morning. Suvi wakes up and sees Soni and screams.. soni has black make up.. and black clothes.. She asks what happened with you?? Soni says Sorry .. Suvi says sorry too. They are friends again.. Soni says that she should not be tensed because of Yuvi, he really loves her. They are going to the kitchen. Soni says that she is falling in love.. Suvi gets happy and hugs her. And then Soni goes.. Suvi calls Yuvraj but he doesn’t take the phone.
Episode ends.!
Yuvraj is waiting for Suvreen in the office. Suvreen comes and is shocked to see him. (their background tune is playing) And then Suvi pinch’s Yuvi.. He asks what are you doing?? She hugs him.. (awww’:P) and then she hears how anyone is coming. She gets shocked and looks at Yuvraj.
In the night. Suvi comes home while talking with herself. She goes to the kitchen and takes wather and drinks, she sits on the couch and screams I HATE SAMAR! And then Soni comes with her phone on her hand and sits on the couch too. And then Soni goes to the kitchen and eats something , she says that she wants to work with important stars.. Soni says that Samar is a good photographer. Suvi gets angry and stands up, goes to the kitchen. Soni says if she shows her portfolio to Samar then she will get more chance to be an actress, but if Suvi asks Samar about that?? And then Suvi gets angry and talks tooo much. Soni is crying. Suvi says that she doesn’t want to hear Samar’s name in this house again. And then Suvi goes.
Jolly and Ira are talking about the designes.
Back to Suvi. She talks on the phone with Yuvi. She is irritated again and talks about Maddy. Yuvi asks to tell it to Rehan but she says that it would look unprofessional..she can’t do it. Samar is behaving like a boss. Yuvraj says: Now you are on his site na?? I think you like Maddy right?? Suvi gets shocked.. He is soo good looking boy.. now you will like him .. Suvi says: What is happening between you and Alisha? Isn’t the same thing?? He asks how she comes to Alisha? He says that she is a good friend. And then hangs up with angry face.
Yuvraj sits on his bed and calls Alisha. She says that she thought that they would have a video chat in skype. She asks what happened? Yuvi says that she was right.. when he calls her she is always talking about Maddy. Yuvraj says that maddy is Suvreens neighbor. She says that there is something between Samar and Suvreen.
In the morning. Suvi wakes up and sees Soni and screams.. soni has black make up.. and black clothes.. She asks what happened with you?? Soni says Sorry .. Suvi says sorry too. They are friends again.. Soni says that she should not be tensed because of Yuvi, he really loves her. They are going to the kitchen. Soni says that she is falling in love.. Suvi gets happy and hugs her. And then Soni goes.. Suvi calls Yuvraj but he doesn’t take the phone.
Episode ends.!
Yuvraj is waiting for Suvreen in the office. Suvreen comes and is shocked to see him. (their background tune is playing) And then Suvi pinch’s Yuvi.. He asks what are you doing?? She hugs him.. (awww’:P) and then she hears how anyone is coming. She gets shocked and looks at Yuvraj.
Surveen Guggal - Topper of the year 14th May
The Episode starts off with Ira giving Preeti a list of Model number to ring and find out who’s available.. Preeti tells her Jolly Sir has already called some aspiring models… Ira sees them and says omg Jolly was so drunk when he was giving out cards… Ira tells Alisha that Suvreen is setting the studio up for the test shoots you get some cinema related props and show Samar if he like them then get Samars dates and get back to me… she tells Geeti and Vikram to take pictures of the wanabee models and send them back.
Ira is very angry she goes to talk to Jolly.. she tells him he couldn’t find 2 decent faces in the whole party… Jolly says I did tell you to come with me but you didn’t so it’s your mistake also… Ira is very angry she blames Jolly… she goes we have less than 24 hours to find a fresh face.
We see Alisha talking to Samar she tells these are the props she has chosen and Samar tells her to leave them on the table…Samar sees the pictures on the IPAD.. Alisha goes Sir you never told us you are Suvreen’s Neighbour, you keep borrowing ice.. she goes Suvreen told me … She goes Suvreen is in a lot of stress small town kathkodham ki ladki hai she will collapse in the fashion industry early mornings and late nights haina Maddy… Maddy isn’t very happy… then she goes I mean Samar Sir.. Suvreen always calls you Maddy that why I said it mistakenly…
Samar says 3 things always remember I don’t like repeating myself 1. I’m not interested in your girly gossip 2. He goes I don’t care what other people are saying about me 3. You should be more interested in your creativity your career more than Suvreen.. you take care of yourself Suvreen is an intelligent girl she can look after herself … So anything else you want done by me.. Alisha goes no Sir ( Samar set Alisha straight I’m glad he done that the witch was causing trouble)
Suvreen heard the whole conversation she goes what yeh pagal padosi itnah confusing kyun hai poori tarah hate karneh lago toh kuch acha kar detha hai aur poori tarah seh like bhi nahiye kar sakteh kya irritating aadmi hai… who is he?
Preeti is having lunch she tells Suvreen to have lunch… but Suvreen says she isn’t hungry.. she goes I’m always hungry I wish I was like you Suvreen says you shouldn’t say that you don’t have to be like me be careful for what you wish for… Preeti says did Ira Mam shout at you Suvreen says No I shouted at Yuvraj he isn’t calling back or replying to my messages.. he isn’t talking to me.. Preeti goes how cute lovers ka jhagara kash mein yeh experience karpathi hai just then Rohan comes Preeti is very happy he goes guess what guys Ira Mam has found the male model… Preeti is happy she says thank god model milgaya warnah Ira Mam Suraj nahiye dhalneh dethi aur mujhseh itnah kaam karwathi agar uneh koi aur nahiye milta toh woh Jolly Sir ko he as a model kara kardethi … Rohan says to Suvreen Ira Mam wants you to take the models details and gives Samar Sir.. Suvreen says I need to go or else Samar Sir will shout.. she was about to go Preeti says to Suvreen to have have lunch then go.. Suvreen goes… Preeti and Rohan share food.
Suvreen is shocked to see Yuvraj he is very happy to see her.. Suvreen pinches Yuvraj arm to see if he really is there.. he says topper yeh kya kar rahiye hai… Suvreen looks at Yuvraj so lovingly and hugs him.. Yuvraj kisses Suvreen forehead… (Yuvreen hug so cute) Suvreen says you are really there it’s not a dream.. Yuvraj laughs he goes you remember me in your dreams… Suvreen says only in bad dreams… Suvreen goes why didn’t you phone me Yuvraj says phone isn’t allowed in train he goes anyways whenever I tried to phone it was always the wrong time.. Suvreen says tum Mumbai mere liye aiye… Yuvraj nods his head and says tere liye toh mein duniye keh kisi bhi khoneh mein ah saktha hoon Mumbai ho ya kuch bhi.. Yuvreen hug each other again.
Suvreen point of view she says why did Yuvraj come to my office.. did he come to fight with Samar Ira Mam and Jolly Sir.. then she says Yuvraj and Samar fight my job will go.
Yuvraj kneels down and gives Suvreen a rose… she tells him to get up someone will come.. he tell her to be quiet… Yuvraj then says he will always love her… Suvreen takes the rose and says that the rose will die Yuvraj then says I have plastic one as well… Suvreen tells Yuvraj thats good you came at lunch time no intern is here if anyone had seen you it would of been a problem.. she then tells him he should’ve called her and told her he’s coming… why did he surprise her? Yuvraj says he wanted to give her a surprise.. Suvreen says she’s very happy that he came she was missing him loads… Yuvraj says when I saw you on Skype you were looking so beautiful so I came.. Suvreen says why did you come to office? If anyone sees you? Yuvraj gets up and says koi hai yahaan Delhi ki cheetah aiyah hai Yuvraj Singh…
Suvreen tell him to be quiet but too late Ira and Jolly come… Ira says so you have met him… Jolly says wow perfect height, style, eyes… hair we will do something about that he then says he has the boyish charm that we were looking for he’s perfect. Ira asks for Yuvraj Portfolio he says he don’t have one… Jolly says no problem tell Suvreen to take some photos of Yuvraj… Ira and Jolly leave.
Suvreen says to Yuvraj they are mistaking you for someone else but you’re my boyfriend… before Yuvraj can say anything Alisha comes and hugs Yuvraj (the witch isn’t letting go of Yuvi) Suvreen isn’t very happy.. Alisha says I told Yuvraj Suvreen is very lonely and to come here… Yuvraj says thanks to Alisha and says he wanted to surprise Suvreen.. Suvreen says she is very surprised.
RC is talking on the phone and getting some models number.. RC says so much work pending.Ira comes and says I have news for you.
Alisha says Yuvraj has some big news for you he hasn’t told you yet.. Suvi isn’t very happy and says in her mind now will you tell me big news… what is the big news? Alisha says Yuvraj is the model for the calendar shoot.. Yuvraj says all the credit for this goes to Alisha she suggested my name to Ira and Jolly.. Alisha touches Yuvraj shoulder and says there is no need of giving me credit I know since day 1 about your potential… Suvreen is very jealous she says in her mind take your hand of Yuvrajs Shoulder move your hand… Alisha then says when Ira Mam and Jolly Sir said they need a model in my mind Yuvrajs name came first… Suvreen says in her mind I know what’s going on in your mind… Back to RC and Ira.. Ira tells him Alisha had suggested Yuvraj name RC says Yuvraj Singh from Delhi.. Suvreen Boyfriend Ira says how do you know he’s Suvreen boyfriend… RC says Suvreen was his student so he knows.. Ira is shocked and says so why did Alisha call Suvreen boyfriend.
Yuvraj, Alisha and Suvreen go to the studio Suvreen takes photo of Yuvraj.. Alisha tells Suvreen to take a picture of her and Yuvraj.. Suvreen isn’t very happy and take the photo… Alisha phone rings and she leaves (thank god the witchwent Yuvi shouldnt have took any pictures with her)
Suvreen take pictures of Yuvraj… he says take one from this side jawline will show.. Suvreen says chin down.. Yuvraj says topper you have become professional.. she then says to him turn left.. then Yuvraj says topper take one from the right.. she then says tumhe ab thaapar paregha she then ask Yuvraj why he didn’t tell her that he was going to model…Yuvraj says you were too busy fighting.. Suvreen said you could’ve of told me but you didn’t.. you wanted to tell that someone special.. Yuvraj says what are you saying? Suvreen says I’m going to show Jolly sir the camera.. she gets the camera.. Yuvraj then says why do you always get angry? Suvreen leaves
Yuvraj rings Mumma Guggal and tells her he’s in Mumbai and in Suvreens Office.. Mumma Guggal is very happy she says you’re there to take care of Suvreen make sure she doesn’t drink too much coffee.. Yuvraj says don’t worry I will take care of Suvreen… Mumma Guggal says what are you doing there anyway.. he says Auntyji Model bagayah hoon Model.
Alisha goes to Samar office and informs him that Suvreen Boyfriend Yuvraj is the new model.. Samar says thanks for the news flash why are you telling me all this… she then says Ira Mam is calling you to RC office to meet Suvreen Boyfriend.. Samar says you are mistaken Ira has called me to meet the calendar shoot model. Alisha leaves Samar then says Ice Princess ka Model Boyfriend yeh kaise cartoon diktha hogha and starts to laugh. (not funny Samar wait till you see Yuvi is the cutest)
Precap- Ira introduces Samar and Yuvraj… Yuvraj isn’t very happy seeing Samar.
Ira is very angry she goes to talk to Jolly.. she tells him he couldn’t find 2 decent faces in the whole party… Jolly says I did tell you to come with me but you didn’t so it’s your mistake also… Ira is very angry she blames Jolly… she goes we have less than 24 hours to find a fresh face.
We see Alisha talking to Samar she tells these are the props she has chosen and Samar tells her to leave them on the table…Samar sees the pictures on the IPAD.. Alisha goes Sir you never told us you are Suvreen’s Neighbour, you keep borrowing ice.. she goes Suvreen told me … She goes Suvreen is in a lot of stress small town kathkodham ki ladki hai she will collapse in the fashion industry early mornings and late nights haina Maddy… Maddy isn’t very happy… then she goes I mean Samar Sir.. Suvreen always calls you Maddy that why I said it mistakenly…
Samar says 3 things always remember I don’t like repeating myself 1. I’m not interested in your girly gossip 2. He goes I don’t care what other people are saying about me 3. You should be more interested in your creativity your career more than Suvreen.. you take care of yourself Suvreen is an intelligent girl she can look after herself … So anything else you want done by me.. Alisha goes no Sir ( Samar set Alisha straight I’m glad he done that the witch was causing trouble)
Suvreen heard the whole conversation she goes what yeh pagal padosi itnah confusing kyun hai poori tarah hate karneh lago toh kuch acha kar detha hai aur poori tarah seh like bhi nahiye kar sakteh kya irritating aadmi hai… who is he?
Preeti is having lunch she tells Suvreen to have lunch… but Suvreen says she isn’t hungry.. she goes I’m always hungry I wish I was like you Suvreen says you shouldn’t say that you don’t have to be like me be careful for what you wish for… Preeti says did Ira Mam shout at you Suvreen says No I shouted at Yuvraj he isn’t calling back or replying to my messages.. he isn’t talking to me.. Preeti goes how cute lovers ka jhagara kash mein yeh experience karpathi hai just then Rohan comes Preeti is very happy he goes guess what guys Ira Mam has found the male model… Preeti is happy she says thank god model milgaya warnah Ira Mam Suraj nahiye dhalneh dethi aur mujhseh itnah kaam karwathi agar uneh koi aur nahiye milta toh woh Jolly Sir ko he as a model kara kardethi … Rohan says to Suvreen Ira Mam wants you to take the models details and gives Samar Sir.. Suvreen says I need to go or else Samar Sir will shout.. she was about to go Preeti says to Suvreen to have have lunch then go.. Suvreen goes… Preeti and Rohan share food.
Suvreen is shocked to see Yuvraj he is very happy to see her.. Suvreen pinches Yuvraj arm to see if he really is there.. he says topper yeh kya kar rahiye hai… Suvreen looks at Yuvraj so lovingly and hugs him.. Yuvraj kisses Suvreen forehead… (Yuvreen hug so cute) Suvreen says you are really there it’s not a dream.. Yuvraj laughs he goes you remember me in your dreams… Suvreen says only in bad dreams… Suvreen goes why didn’t you phone me Yuvraj says phone isn’t allowed in train he goes anyways whenever I tried to phone it was always the wrong time.. Suvreen says tum Mumbai mere liye aiye… Yuvraj nods his head and says tere liye toh mein duniye keh kisi bhi khoneh mein ah saktha hoon Mumbai ho ya kuch bhi.. Yuvreen hug each other again.
Suvreen point of view she says why did Yuvraj come to my office.. did he come to fight with Samar Ira Mam and Jolly Sir.. then she says Yuvraj and Samar fight my job will go.
Yuvraj kneels down and gives Suvreen a rose… she tells him to get up someone will come.. he tell her to be quiet… Yuvraj then says he will always love her… Suvreen takes the rose and says that the rose will die Yuvraj then says I have plastic one as well… Suvreen tells Yuvraj thats good you came at lunch time no intern is here if anyone had seen you it would of been a problem.. she then tells him he should’ve called her and told her he’s coming… why did he surprise her? Yuvraj says he wanted to give her a surprise.. Suvreen says she’s very happy that he came she was missing him loads… Yuvraj says when I saw you on Skype you were looking so beautiful so I came.. Suvreen says why did you come to office? If anyone sees you? Yuvraj gets up and says koi hai yahaan Delhi ki cheetah aiyah hai Yuvraj Singh…
Suvreen tell him to be quiet but too late Ira and Jolly come… Ira says so you have met him… Jolly says wow perfect height, style, eyes… hair we will do something about that he then says he has the boyish charm that we were looking for he’s perfect. Ira asks for Yuvraj Portfolio he says he don’t have one… Jolly says no problem tell Suvreen to take some photos of Yuvraj… Ira and Jolly leave.
Suvreen says to Yuvraj they are mistaking you for someone else but you’re my boyfriend… before Yuvraj can say anything Alisha comes and hugs Yuvraj (the witch isn’t letting go of Yuvi) Suvreen isn’t very happy.. Alisha says I told Yuvraj Suvreen is very lonely and to come here… Yuvraj says thanks to Alisha and says he wanted to surprise Suvreen.. Suvreen says she is very surprised.
RC is talking on the phone and getting some models number.. RC says so much work pending.Ira comes and says I have news for you.
Alisha says Yuvraj has some big news for you he hasn’t told you yet.. Suvi isn’t very happy and says in her mind now will you tell me big news… what is the big news? Alisha says Yuvraj is the model for the calendar shoot.. Yuvraj says all the credit for this goes to Alisha she suggested my name to Ira and Jolly.. Alisha touches Yuvraj shoulder and says there is no need of giving me credit I know since day 1 about your potential… Suvreen is very jealous she says in her mind take your hand of Yuvrajs Shoulder move your hand… Alisha then says when Ira Mam and Jolly Sir said they need a model in my mind Yuvrajs name came first… Suvreen says in her mind I know what’s going on in your mind… Back to RC and Ira.. Ira tells him Alisha had suggested Yuvraj name RC says Yuvraj Singh from Delhi.. Suvreen Boyfriend Ira says how do you know he’s Suvreen boyfriend… RC says Suvreen was his student so he knows.. Ira is shocked and says so why did Alisha call Suvreen boyfriend.
Yuvraj, Alisha and Suvreen go to the studio Suvreen takes photo of Yuvraj.. Alisha tells Suvreen to take a picture of her and Yuvraj.. Suvreen isn’t very happy and take the photo… Alisha phone rings and she leaves (thank god the witchwent Yuvi shouldnt have took any pictures with her)
Suvreen take pictures of Yuvraj… he says take one from this side jawline will show.. Suvreen says chin down.. Yuvraj says topper you have become professional.. she then says to him turn left.. then Yuvraj says topper take one from the right.. she then says tumhe ab thaapar paregha she then ask Yuvraj why he didn’t tell her that he was going to model…Yuvraj says you were too busy fighting.. Suvreen said you could’ve of told me but you didn’t.. you wanted to tell that someone special.. Yuvraj says what are you saying? Suvreen says I’m going to show Jolly sir the camera.. she gets the camera.. Yuvraj then says why do you always get angry? Suvreen leaves
Yuvraj rings Mumma Guggal and tells her he’s in Mumbai and in Suvreens Office.. Mumma Guggal is very happy she says you’re there to take care of Suvreen make sure she doesn’t drink too much coffee.. Yuvraj says don’t worry I will take care of Suvreen… Mumma Guggal says what are you doing there anyway.. he says Auntyji Model bagayah hoon Model.
Alisha goes to Samar office and informs him that Suvreen Boyfriend Yuvraj is the new model.. Samar says thanks for the news flash why are you telling me all this… she then says Ira Mam is calling you to RC office to meet Suvreen Boyfriend.. Samar says you are mistaken Ira has called me to meet the calendar shoot model. Alisha leaves Samar then says Ice Princess ka Model Boyfriend yeh kaise cartoon diktha hogha and starts to laugh. (not funny Samar wait till you see Yuvi is the cutest)
Precap- Ira introduces Samar and Yuvraj… Yuvraj isn’t very happy seeing Samar.
Surveen Guggal - Topper of the year 15th May
Epi begins with Yuvi coming into RC’s office greeting him, RC gets up and hugs him and thanks him for helping out, Yuvi says anytime for him, RC tells him to sit and they both start talking, just then Samar enters and looks at Yuvi, Ira gets up and asks him to come and introduces Yuvi to Samar saying he’s the new model
Both Yuvi- Samar share tashan looks with Yuvi reminiscing Suvi’s words about Samar, they both walk to each other, Suvi peaks in from outside, Samar puts his hand forward greeting, Suvi looks at them tensed and Yuvi shakes his hand
Samar says so he is Yuvraj and asks him what else has he done before and further asks if he has any experience, Yuvi sternly replies he doesn’t have any experience but he does have ‘Josh’, Samar says ‘aur mere paas jo jeetha wo hi sikhander’, Suvi looks tensed, Samar starts laughing and Ira and RC laugh at him
Samar says he knows it’s a bad joke but after seeing him he feels its his standard’s only, Yuvi gives a loathsome look back, Samar laughs and says he is still joking and asks him to sit, RC asks Samar to explain the calendar concept to Yuvi, Samar is about to explain when Jolly comes in with the camera and shows some pics of Yuvi which Suvi clicked to Samar
Samar looks through them and says they are nice, Yuvi smiles
Suvi is working when suddenly Yuvi comes and says when they were young they used to bunk school now they should bunk office, Suvi says she never bunked school, Yuvi says no problem there is always a first time, Suvi tells him this is her office and she has loads of work as the deadline is also near and there’s lots of stress as she needs to work loads before his shoot
Yuvi then starts annoying her asking her if there is facebook on the computer, Suvi replies its not allowed, he then asks about where they bring their clothes from, Suvi says from market, Yuvi asks do they put gum and asks how they do stick it, Suvi says they stitch it, just then Samar passing by goes to them with his mischievous smile and calls out to Suvi (OMG ek taraf Yuvi aur ek taraf Maddy damn luving it)
Suvi gets up and he tells her he hopes her work would finish by today, Suvi nods and Yuvi gives him the looks, he reminds her again its should finish be today, Suvi replies ‘yes sir’, Samar leaves and Alisha comes down the staircase, Yuvi says to himself he(Maddy) cant see others happiness and he is roaming around with a danda maybe he should give him one
Alisha greets Yuvi and asks him where is he staying, Yuvi says he got a flat of his friend just near Suvi’s place so he will be staying there but he will get it tomorrow, today night he is thinking of staying over at Suvi’s, Suvi gets up shocked and says how can he stay at her place as Soni strictly said no boys allowed and her landlord is very strict
Alisha grabs the chance and offers Yuvi to stay at her place as there is no landlord in her place, Suvi looks at her in anger and says wasn’t she staying with her relatives, and asks wont they have a problem(Go girl…), Alisha laughs and says her relatives are out of town and its perfect timing so Yuvi can stay with her, Yuvi looks a bit unsure at Suvi while she murmurs in her head ‘ek number ki jhooti’(I soo agree), Alisha pulls Yuvi to lets go to her place but Yuvi says not now as he just came and he wants to spend some time with Suvi, Suvi smiles back at her as Alisha leaves his hand
Yuvi then asks Alisha what is she doing tonight, Suvi looks away frustrated, Alisha says she is doing nothing and she is totally free, Yuvi asks her for a favor, Alisha says ofcourse anything for him, Yuvi asks her to complete Suvi’s research for her so that he can take her out (OMG did Yuvi actually say thataaahhh luv u for that Yuvi), Suvi looks happily at him, Alisha is stunned and has no choice but to agree and say yes, while Suvi picks up her bag ready to leave and Yuvi thanks Alisha, Suvi also thanks her and they both leave jumping happily while Alisha looks at them angrily(ab aaya utt pahar ke nichehehe luvd Yuvi ka request totally on her face)
Pappa comes back home and Mamma brings him tea happily and tells him there is a good news, Pappa asks if Suvi is back, Mamma says that’s a happy news for him not her as she knows her daughter wont be happy if she does come back, Pappa asks for the good news and Mamma informs him that Yuvi went to Mumbai and also joined Suvi’s office
Pappa shocked asks this is a good news for her, he tells her what he feared is happening and says those two must have planned it together and now Suvi will for sure not come back, he says todays generation has no shame and only does what they want to and angrily says this is good news for her, Pappa leaves and Mamma tells after him crying he always misunderstands Suvi
Yuvi tells Suvi she always misunderstands Alisha when its because of her it was possible for him to come to Mumbai and also get a photoshoot and then get a place to stay at night and also just because she took her work they could come out, Suvi sarcastically says really and tells Yuvi to make a shrine on saint Alisha and everyday he can light a candle there as she has done so much for him and because of her there is world peace and the global warming is decreasing, Yuvi tries to say something but gives up
Suvi continues that why cant he understand that Alisha is not their well-wisher, Yuvi says but she does everything as a well-wisher only, Suvi sighs and says why should they fight over this thing and tells him they will enjoy their evening without any intrusion, they both hold hands and they walk in each others arms
They share some sweet moments walking and enjoying the view around, they then sit in the corniche and Suvi says its so hot like Delhi but then delhi is delhi and Mumbai is city of dreams, just then Suvi’s mobile starts ringing and Yuvi reminds her no intrusions, she looks at him helplessly and says its Soni’s call, Yuvi tells her she only said, he then takes the phone from her and picks up the call greeting Soni
Soni exclaims its great he came to Mumbai to meet Suvi, Yuvi jokes no he came to meet Suvi’s room-mate, Soni says oh-ho and Suvi takes the phone from Yuvi, Soni says to Suvi she cant bear that her boyfriend talks to another girl, she then tells her she called to ask where she was
Suvi tells her the good news that the model for their calendar shoot is Yuvi, Soni exclaims wow and says its heights of greatness, she then tells them to enjoy hanging out and wanted to ask if she has the key as she’s going for her work, Suvi says yeah she wanted to tell her that maybe she will get late than her to come back home, Soni teases her and tells her to enjoy
Yuvi asks hesitating to Suvi they will be late tonight, Suvi says yeah because tonight is very special, Yuvi says very special and asks how much special, Suvi looks down and tells him not to look at her like that as she feels shy, she tells him to look else where, Yuvi says where else should he look, he keeps teasing her asking where else should he look and Suvi says she is leaving and goes off from there, they then both roam around Mumbai arms in arms(Ishaqzaade on the bg)
Maddy is on his window sill playing his guitar when he notices YuvReen down, Suvi suddenly notices Maddy looking and quickly hugs Yuvi, Maddy smiles and tells himself Ice Princess isn’t so cold, Suvi looks up at him and hugs Yuvi tighter while Maddy laughs watching her
YuvReen hug for last time and bid farewell, Maddy smiles looking at Suvi
Next morning Suvi is staring at Maddy’s car’s tyre, she goes through fb of how much he annoys her as a boss, she then raises a pin and smiles evil and runs and pokes the tyres with the pin only to hear her name again and again, Suvi realizes it was all a dreamand looks at Maddy who was calling out to her, she looks back at the tyres and Maddy asks her why is she staring at his car like that(Damn Suvi’s expressions and the bg music was all so epic and hilarious)
He goes to her and says that his neighbor has a a very low IQ dog and his IQ is so low that he runs after parked cars, Maddy starts laughing and says even he stares at his car like this and asks Suvi why do they stare at his car like that (OMG Maddy is maaddd hahaha i cant stop rofling), Suvi blurts out she was just looking at his car’s tyres, Maddy says that makes perfect sense, Suvi looks at him and says he compared her to a dog (tubelight abhi jhali)
Maddy says he doesn’t think the dog will feel insulted and starts laughing, he then apologizes her and says he was just joking, Suvi asks him why does he keep taking her full name, Maddy explains whatever work he does he does it full that’s why he keeps calling her Suvreen Guggal and jokes that her name isn’t any less than a funny punch line
Suvi gives an irritated look and he goes on saying how can anyone be serious with her name and keeps joking about her surname, he then becomes serious and asks her if she wants a lift to office, Suvi says no thanks, Maddy replies good as he just washed the car yesterday and starts laughing as Suvi still gives him the irritated look, he reminds her she has to reach office before him and goes to his car
Suvi watches him go and then realizes and looks around thinking how will she reach office before him
Precap: Yuvi calls out ‘Oye Maddy’ who gives him a stern look, Maddy tells Suvi to ask Yuvi to go out and to deal with him on the shoot, there he will tell him how he treats in-experienced models, Yuvi- Maddy give each other harsh looks while Suvi is stunned.
Both Yuvi- Samar share tashan looks with Yuvi reminiscing Suvi’s words about Samar, they both walk to each other, Suvi peaks in from outside, Samar puts his hand forward greeting, Suvi looks at them tensed and Yuvi shakes his hand
Samar says so he is Yuvraj and asks him what else has he done before and further asks if he has any experience, Yuvi sternly replies he doesn’t have any experience but he does have ‘Josh’, Samar says ‘aur mere paas jo jeetha wo hi sikhander’, Suvi looks tensed, Samar starts laughing and Ira and RC laugh at him
Samar says he knows it’s a bad joke but after seeing him he feels its his standard’s only, Yuvi gives a loathsome look back, Samar laughs and says he is still joking and asks him to sit, RC asks Samar to explain the calendar concept to Yuvi, Samar is about to explain when Jolly comes in with the camera and shows some pics of Yuvi which Suvi clicked to Samar
Samar looks through them and says they are nice, Yuvi smiles
Suvi is working when suddenly Yuvi comes and says when they were young they used to bunk school now they should bunk office, Suvi says she never bunked school, Yuvi says no problem there is always a first time, Suvi tells him this is her office and she has loads of work as the deadline is also near and there’s lots of stress as she needs to work loads before his shoot
Yuvi then starts annoying her asking her if there is facebook on the computer, Suvi replies its not allowed, he then asks about where they bring their clothes from, Suvi says from market, Yuvi asks do they put gum and asks how they do stick it, Suvi says they stitch it, just then Samar passing by goes to them with his mischievous smile and calls out to Suvi (OMG ek taraf Yuvi aur ek taraf Maddy damn luving it)
Suvi gets up and he tells her he hopes her work would finish by today, Suvi nods and Yuvi gives him the looks, he reminds her again its should finish be today, Suvi replies ‘yes sir’, Samar leaves and Alisha comes down the staircase, Yuvi says to himself he(Maddy) cant see others happiness and he is roaming around with a danda maybe he should give him one
Alisha greets Yuvi and asks him where is he staying, Yuvi says he got a flat of his friend just near Suvi’s place so he will be staying there but he will get it tomorrow, today night he is thinking of staying over at Suvi’s, Suvi gets up shocked and says how can he stay at her place as Soni strictly said no boys allowed and her landlord is very strict
Alisha grabs the chance and offers Yuvi to stay at her place as there is no landlord in her place, Suvi looks at her in anger and says wasn’t she staying with her relatives, and asks wont they have a problem(Go girl…), Alisha laughs and says her relatives are out of town and its perfect timing so Yuvi can stay with her, Yuvi looks a bit unsure at Suvi while she murmurs in her head ‘ek number ki jhooti’(I soo agree), Alisha pulls Yuvi to lets go to her place but Yuvi says not now as he just came and he wants to spend some time with Suvi, Suvi smiles back at her as Alisha leaves his hand
Yuvi then asks Alisha what is she doing tonight, Suvi looks away frustrated, Alisha says she is doing nothing and she is totally free, Yuvi asks her for a favor, Alisha says ofcourse anything for him, Yuvi asks her to complete Suvi’s research for her so that he can take her out (OMG did Yuvi actually say thataaahhh luv u for that Yuvi), Suvi looks happily at him, Alisha is stunned and has no choice but to agree and say yes, while Suvi picks up her bag ready to leave and Yuvi thanks Alisha, Suvi also thanks her and they both leave jumping happily while Alisha looks at them angrily(ab aaya utt pahar ke nichehehe luvd Yuvi ka request totally on her face)
Pappa comes back home and Mamma brings him tea happily and tells him there is a good news, Pappa asks if Suvi is back, Mamma says that’s a happy news for him not her as she knows her daughter wont be happy if she does come back, Pappa asks for the good news and Mamma informs him that Yuvi went to Mumbai and also joined Suvi’s office
Pappa shocked asks this is a good news for her, he tells her what he feared is happening and says those two must have planned it together and now Suvi will for sure not come back, he says todays generation has no shame and only does what they want to and angrily says this is good news for her, Pappa leaves and Mamma tells after him crying he always misunderstands Suvi
Yuvi tells Suvi she always misunderstands Alisha when its because of her it was possible for him to come to Mumbai and also get a photoshoot and then get a place to stay at night and also just because she took her work they could come out, Suvi sarcastically says really and tells Yuvi to make a shrine on saint Alisha and everyday he can light a candle there as she has done so much for him and because of her there is world peace and the global warming is decreasing, Yuvi tries to say something but gives up
Suvi continues that why cant he understand that Alisha is not their well-wisher, Yuvi says but she does everything as a well-wisher only, Suvi sighs and says why should they fight over this thing and tells him they will enjoy their evening without any intrusion, they both hold hands and they walk in each others arms
They share some sweet moments walking and enjoying the view around, they then sit in the corniche and Suvi says its so hot like Delhi but then delhi is delhi and Mumbai is city of dreams, just then Suvi’s mobile starts ringing and Yuvi reminds her no intrusions, she looks at him helplessly and says its Soni’s call, Yuvi tells her she only said, he then takes the phone from her and picks up the call greeting Soni
Soni exclaims its great he came to Mumbai to meet Suvi, Yuvi jokes no he came to meet Suvi’s room-mate, Soni says oh-ho and Suvi takes the phone from Yuvi, Soni says to Suvi she cant bear that her boyfriend talks to another girl, she then tells her she called to ask where she was
Suvi tells her the good news that the model for their calendar shoot is Yuvi, Soni exclaims wow and says its heights of greatness, she then tells them to enjoy hanging out and wanted to ask if she has the key as she’s going for her work, Suvi says yeah she wanted to tell her that maybe she will get late than her to come back home, Soni teases her and tells her to enjoy
Yuvi asks hesitating to Suvi they will be late tonight, Suvi says yeah because tonight is very special, Yuvi says very special and asks how much special, Suvi looks down and tells him not to look at her like that as she feels shy, she tells him to look else where, Yuvi says where else should he look, he keeps teasing her asking where else should he look and Suvi says she is leaving and goes off from there, they then both roam around Mumbai arms in arms(Ishaqzaade on the bg)
Maddy is on his window sill playing his guitar when he notices YuvReen down, Suvi suddenly notices Maddy looking and quickly hugs Yuvi, Maddy smiles and tells himself Ice Princess isn’t so cold, Suvi looks up at him and hugs Yuvi tighter while Maddy laughs watching her
YuvReen hug for last time and bid farewell, Maddy smiles looking at Suvi
Next morning Suvi is staring at Maddy’s car’s tyre, she goes through fb of how much he annoys her as a boss, she then raises a pin and smiles evil and runs and pokes the tyres with the pin only to hear her name again and again, Suvi realizes it was all a dreamand looks at Maddy who was calling out to her, she looks back at the tyres and Maddy asks her why is she staring at his car like that(Damn Suvi’s expressions and the bg music was all so epic and hilarious)
He goes to her and says that his neighbor has a a very low IQ dog and his IQ is so low that he runs after parked cars, Maddy starts laughing and says even he stares at his car like this and asks Suvi why do they stare at his car like that (OMG Maddy is maaddd hahaha i cant stop rofling), Suvi blurts out she was just looking at his car’s tyres, Maddy says that makes perfect sense, Suvi looks at him and says he compared her to a dog (tubelight abhi jhali)
Maddy says he doesn’t think the dog will feel insulted and starts laughing, he then apologizes her and says he was just joking, Suvi asks him why does he keep taking her full name, Maddy explains whatever work he does he does it full that’s why he keeps calling her Suvreen Guggal and jokes that her name isn’t any less than a funny punch line
Suvi gives an irritated look and he goes on saying how can anyone be serious with her name and keeps joking about her surname, he then becomes serious and asks her if she wants a lift to office, Suvi says no thanks, Maddy replies good as he just washed the car yesterday and starts laughing as Suvi still gives him the irritated look, he reminds her she has to reach office before him and goes to his car
Suvi watches him go and then realizes and looks around thinking how will she reach office before him
Precap: Yuvi calls out ‘Oye Maddy’ who gives him a stern look, Maddy tells Suvi to ask Yuvi to go out and to deal with him on the shoot, there he will tell him how he treats in-experienced models, Yuvi- Maddy give each other harsh looks while Suvi is stunned.
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